The One at Target

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"No I'm being serious Alexis I have to freaking clue where the heck I am right now, I am genuinlly terrified"

"You're such an idiot, how in the world do you get lost at Target?!"

" I've never been to this Target before! It's like a freaking castle!" I said into the phone as I walked through the aisles of the unfamiliar store. I must sound like such an idiot right now.

"Of course you of all people would get lost"

"Oh just shut up and help me! We both know this could have just as easily happened to you" I snapped back at my best friend on the other end.

"Fine! You're lucky I'm your friend, you'd be lost without me, literally."

"Hah funny. No but seriously help me I want to get out of here. What direction should I go?"

"What aisle are you in?"

"Why the fuck does that matter? I'm by the potat-"

before I could finish my sentence I collided into something hard and fell backwards. I tried to regain my balance but I stumbled over a CAUTION sign. Well that's just freaking fantastic. Darn you caution sign! Well I had a good run. I least I made this far. I lived a good sixteen years but apparently my time has come. I closed my eyes and prepared to fall on the cold tile floor but instead I felt a firm hand grip my waist, pulling me back on my feet. I opened my once closed eyes and met the most beautiful pair of light brown ones. "Oh god I am s-so so sorry I-I didn't see you there" the attractive boy stuttered out. He looked down at me and he quickly noticed where his hands were placed and immediately released his hands from my waist and took a few steps back. Wow. Just wow. That's all I could say. The way a little string of curly fell on face was the cutest thing I have ever seen. Scratch that him blushing is defffff number one. His cheeks flushed a deep shade of red as he nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Oh no don't worry about it, I should have looked where I was going, I should be the one apologizing" I smiled. He looked at the floor and quickly bent down. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked to see what he was doing."You um you dropped your phone" he shyly said as he handed it to me. "Thank you" I thanked him with a warm smile. "I'm Fatima by the way" I said holding out my hand for him to shake. A smile slowly appeared on his cute face. Oh my god. I seriously just melted. Is it hot in here? Oh wait no it's just him. "I'm Joel" he smiled as he took my hand in his, shaking it lightly.

Hey guys! I'm Arizona! This is the first part of my Joel Pimentel story and I really hope you all enjoy it! I will update whenever I can! And I really hope that you all continue to read my story. I will gladly accept any ideas that you guys have so don't be shy I promise I don't bite. Anyways I'll talk to you guys next time!

-xoxo arizona r

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