2 (hours)

147 10 2

I close my eyes for a moment but I open them in a rush. Nothing has changed. The walls are frosted glass, isolating me.

Straight, not fitting themselves together anywhere. They are like an infinite line. Grouped points of an endless fence. Without scratches or shattered space.

Like my mind that is a whirl now.

I don't know for how long I've been here but I feel that every time I'm not blinking two hours are passing.

And everytime my thoughts repeat themselves over and over again, just a simple second - I would even say milisecond - passes.

I could say that I'm not scared but that's just not true. Not because I'm trapped inside in this that looks a cloudy glass cube, but because I don't know what's outside those walls.

Where my eyes, no matter how hard they try, can't see.

Some people say that Pandora's box, fruit of Greek mythology, had every bad things in this world inside it. Maybe I'm in some kind of inverted idea of that idiot myth, in what's bad it's outside this box looking for me.

Or maybe the myth is right and my demons are here inside.

Here inside.


Inside my chest.

Consuming me. Making me pay for my sins. Transforming me into someone else. Or maybe showing who I really am.

I am not insane. That's one thing I'm sure of.

I am not insane.

I am not insane.

I am not insane.

I am not INSANE.


be ready bc this fic ends with everyone's feelings

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