Chapter 5 - Taking the Part

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Hey Abby here! I just wanted to apologize for not updating in a really long while, I didn't think people would read this.

As a thank you gift, I will update frequently now

Please comment some advice on my writing since this is my first time!

Don't forget to vote!



Song Sang Mi got an offer from her father, who abandoned her for a very long time, a kpop offer of being part of exo. Which her 3 best friends was in, Sang Mi wasn't aware so..... Yeah.....

Song Sang Mi

Early morning

I woke up but my head was aching, not only my head but my back and my neck. I fluttered my eyes slowly because the sun was clearly up and shining very brightly.


"Wait what". I finally regained my consciousness, there was no sun it was really dark out. There was a camera straight at my face and the flash was blinding me. There wasn't just one but there was about 5 camera lenses directed at my face.

"She's awake. Guys, everyone! She's awake!!" A very deep voice said

I sat up and I saw what was happening;

1)    1 word "P A P A R A Z Z I" not 1 but 5

2)    I'm still at my house

3)    I'm wearing a crop top and shorts which actually reveals something that was foreign to me. TATOO!!

4)   I was laying on a guy's broad shoulder

5)   There was a foreign family  behind the paparazzi

"Umm. Excuse me you people but... Get those cameras out of my face you sons of b" I was cut off

"Watch your language young lady" the deep voiced guy said and then I saw his hand aiming to slap me when, a hand was wrapped around the guys wrist stopping him.

"Managernim! She's a girl!" A very familiar voice said. It's Baehyun-sshi!

The guy looked behind him, seeing baekhyun furious, scared the crap out of him "I wasn't planning to- nevermind, okay boys take a break, review the pictures you took!" ordering the paparazzi away.

Baekhyun-sshi's hand was reached out for me to get up from the floor

"I'm fine thank you" rolling my eyes, I saw that the family sitting at my breakfast nook was my family. They were laughing and it seemed like they were enjoying themselves..


Sara is my teenage sister, who I actually just met on the phone.

They all were even happier when they saw me, aww I feel so happy but I started to feel that rage come back to me. When they were about to hug me, I turned around to race up my room. Tears were running down my face when suddenly I fell down the last step.

I awaited the pain I was to felt from tripping but it never happened. That's when I realized arms caught me before I could slam my face on the floor. Thumbs were rubbing against my cheeks, wiping my tears away. I closed my eyes not wanting to know who it was, the person lifted me off my feet and brought me to my room, I fluttered my eyes open when I felt a warm kiss placed on my cheek but he was walking away.

I never saw this guy in my whole life, he had broad shoulders and black fluffy hair. When the door closed, something was catching my attention it was something foreign that I guess the guy left. I ran to the door to see if I could still catch him but he left.

The thing was a piece of paper, the only writing on it was a phone number,


Maybe I'll try calling it... later. Wait a sec

Why were there paparazzi in my home?! Why the hell do I have a tattoo?! What the hell is my family and baekhyun doing in my house?! WHERE THE HELL ARE THE THREE MUSKETEERS?!


After a while of thinking, I have finally decided to give my family one more chance.

I heard a knock on the door "Sang Mi" it was appa

"Yes, come in"

Hours later of discussing the situation we made up

That's how I made up with my parents but not my siblings yet....

"Can anyone explain to me, what the HELL is happening!?."

A knock came, "excuse me Mr. and Mrs. Song may I speak to Sang Mi for a while?"

"Yea, sure, of course Baekhyun" They smiled at him. Before the door closed my dad's head peeped out again

"Before I forget, keep it down and use protection! The boys are right at the other room-"I started blushing "APPA?!"

Whutt?! Boys?

"Sorry Mimi, I'll go now" before he left he gave baekhyun a wink

When I turned my attention to Baekhyun he was smirking "Sorry my parents don't know that we broke up"

"Its fine" he said "Sang Mi, I know you're really confused about what's happening right now so I'll explain it..."

Before he said a word, I snapped back to my real self, I slapped him in the face. Leaving him stunned. I walked out of the room, to the guest room that was producing really loud music.

I knocked once, twice then thrice, no one answered when I opened the door the room was empty but the bathroom light was open when I went inside I was really surprised to see... My eyes grew really big before I could stop them. A person came inside the room

"Yah Sang Mi, I wasn't done talking and I know you don't want to talk to me but..." He trailed off when he directed his attention to what I was looking at

*Glass Shatters*


What do think they saw?

Don't forget to give me your feedback!

BTW: Picture on top is the mysterious tattoo Sang Mi suddenly found on her waist when she woke up.

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