Chapter 1 - I'm trying

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"Love" is an intense feeling of affection

That's how I felt with Baekhyun, he was my first and only boyfriend. I treasured him the most, I forgot about my family that left me,  the judgments I received from the people around me.

He was there when I needed company, when I felt insecure, when I needed to be loved. But now he's just like my parents, my sister and most especially my brother who left me.

Three weeks has passed since that one sided break up. I still can't get over the fact that he said before he wouldn't leave me , he said I was his only and most especially he said we were forever. I don't know why I still can't get over him, maybe the love we shared for 2 years were too special to me, maybe it wasn't so special to him. I will never forget my first and only love.

I changed throughout that whole three weeks. I started standing up for my self living up to what people see me as, intimidating, I started dressing more freely no more holding back and lastly I started wearing makeup that I myself never put on. After this breakup I felt free, these changes were my distraction from my first breakup.


"But when our fingers interlock,
Can't deny, can't deny you're worth it
'Cause after all this time I'm still into you"

Music blasting through my ears by Paramore "I'm still into you" while walking to school.

I sang my heart out, as I got glances from people walking by. Some telling me how good I was and the others just ignoring me.

I can't remember the last time I sang, it's been a very long time. I think because of my love for baekhyun it blinded me of my true self, I was focused on him and him only. I always wanted to be a singer when I grew up but there's this part telling me it was only a hobby because I knew I was going to be a doctor.
I glanced to the side and started staring at what was occurring yet again, baekhyun being more intimate with shin young by the courtyard as they got more attention from students. She glanced at me with eyes I can't describe, it's like she knows something I don't.

Tears started swelling from my eyes, I don't think I'm over h- *boogsh*

I looked up to see the guy who bumped me "Hey can you watch where you're going". He said in wrath. "Are you blind or something, little girl?"

I stood up "excuse me you're the one who bumped me! Don't you dare talk to me like that, you-"  I was thinking of what to say "you giant!" I walked away bumping him by the shoulder.

After talking to the giraffe, I ran straight to the bathroom and locked myself in the stall crying it all out.

I remember when Baekhyun and I were still friends and I knew then I felt intense feelings for him. That day he grabbed my hand, brought me to the courtyard and sat me down on the bench. He called out to his friends and they started dancing to the song 'Just the way you are' by Bruno Mars. A crowd of people circled around the courtyard watching his performance then he came up to me and kneeled down on one knee saying "Sang Mi, I love you so much more than what you think. You're so beautiful inside and out, I would be the luckiest person if I could be your boyfriend?"

My world stopped that day, my heart was beating so loudly and I felt like it was only me and him right now. I kneeled down in front of him and hugged him so tightly "I love you so much, Baek, more that you can imagine." That's how our two year relationship started and now ended because of that girl I guess.

Then a sweet voice interrupted my thoughts, "Hey, are you okay?" I heard a knock on my cubicle's door.

I coughed "Um not really"

"Well, what's wrong?" She chuckled "I tell you, I'm a really great listener."

I started venting out to the girl outside my cubicle. And she was without a doubt right, she let me finish and told me her thoughts.

"Honey, I think you just found a new friend!"

She knocked again "C'mon open up, I'll give you a hug" A hug sounded really good right now, I opened the door and we shared a hug. She was taller than me, wavy hair and she smelled like strawberries! She whispered in my ear "Don't worry I will help you get over him"

I smiled, "Thank you, I think I really needed this"

After that I dried my tears and we walked to our next class. I found out her name was Lee Ji-eun, a new student in Rose High School. She's really outgoing and understanding, she's bubbly and after school I found out she lived about three blocks away, a 15 minute walk from mine.

I'm glad I found a new friend and I think a new enemy as well. Without Baekhyun in my life I think I forgot how to function by myself. I was so dependent on him all my life since my family left me. But now I will take this time to love myself because I know that will make me stronger.

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