Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N: This is just gonna be snippets from Harry's life for the next few weeks in the story. Its just desperate voicemails on Louis' phone, which was lost and broken in the car accident.


"I love you, Louis."

"Come back to me, sweetheart."

"Was it me? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I did, kitten. P-please come back. I love you."

"Baby? Kitten? Please. If its not a call, than at least a text. Telling me you're okay and that you're gonna come back to me. Please, kitten. I need you."

"Annalise won't stop crying, baby. She needs her mummy...I need her mummy, too."

"I miss you, babe. When are you coming home?"

"I haven't spoken to the kids in two weeks, Lou. I spend all day in the office trying to find you. But we have no leads. Please call me. Tell me where you are so I can c-come and h-hold you and s-swing you around and um kiss you, please come home. I love you and I miss you, pet. Please..."

"My mum arrived today. She was worried. She still is. She thinks I have a drinking problem. I don't, Lou, I swear it. I know how much you hate alcohol. It just...takes the edge off, you know? I don't do it that often, I swear. It helps me sleep. I sleep in the guest room on the far side of the couch. I can't sleep in the bed knowing you are not there and I can't sleep in your guest room knowing that that's your room and you're not there to fill it. I love you, baby. Come home."

"You know what's funny? How fast things can spiral out of control. They can get so bad in so little time. L-lou, I know you'll hate this, but...I think I...I have a problem. Two - three really. One is you. I need you Louis. My life is done without you. You're driving me literally insane. I need you in my arms and I need to know you and our pumpkin are safe. I have this gut feeling that you aren't, so I guess that's why I started. I asked my doctor for pills to stop the pain. I went back two days later for another bottle. They gave it to me. No stupid as fuck questions asked. I'm on my fourth bottle in a week, Lou. Is that bad? I don't know, but they always make me dizzy. The vodka takes the edge off, though. Come back to me, baby. Come home."

"Happy Birthday, Lou. That's right. Its Christmas Eve. You're twenty, my baby. Finally in your twenties, huh? You're growing up so fast. It seems like just yesterday I saw you in the auction house. It seems like just last hour that my heart hurt seeing you with Zayn. It seems like such a short amount of time between now and when we made love under that willow by the lake. I go there often and think of all the memories we shared there. The laughs. The crying. The sleeping. The hiding. You were so nervous to tell me you were pregnant, kitten. Why? Were you scared of how id react? Did you have such little faith in me? I, personally, think that you were scared to admit it to yourself. You're so strong, Lou. You're gonna be okay. I know you are. We are. You're my sunshine. I love you. I'll see you soon."

"Merry Christmas, my sweet, sweet boy. You're a month a week pregnant and you've been gone for three weeks, four days, 13 hours and twelve minutes. That's how long ago I got the call from the hospital. Well, the call from Niall. He hasn't been well, Lou. In and out of the hospital for his heart condition. His and Zayn's relationship seems to be falling apart at the seams. They love each other, but Niall's just so damn insecure and Zayn's just a hard-headed, stubborn dick. I don't know what's going to happen, but, to be honest, I don't want them to get a divorce. Zayn is so happy when he's with Niall. And Niall is so happy when he's with Zayn. They need each other. Just like I need you, Lou. I need you so much it hurts. My mum is scared for me. She says I look like death. She doesn't want to leave me alone. She says its because she hasn't seen me for a while and wants to talk, but I know she think a I'm suicidal. Maybe I am, I don't know. I've thought about it, but I felt bad. I can't die before I get to you. That's taking the easy way out. We've just hit a bit of a rough spot, huh, Lou? Yeah...just a rough spot. I love you. Merry Christmas, baby."

"I'm coming, baby boy! They found you! I just got the call and I'm driving to the place. They got Niall out of the hospital just long enough to track Christina's scent to somewhere in the country. I'm coming, baby. I'm coming to get you. See you soon, sweetheart. I love you and I'll see you soon."

The next chapter will be what Louis' going through during the time Harry is calling his phone and sending him voicemails.


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