Chapter Twenty Seven

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Louis is a cuddly person.

Its normal. He just loves to snuggle up and curl up and go to sleep, or just stay there awake and thinking. But he's never this cuddly.

Harry wakes up in the middle of the night hot and in the desperate need to pee. He's sweating profusely and his bladder is about to explode. Frail little arms and skinny legs are wrapped around him, a light body nestled in his chest like a koala. A dozen or so blankets are piled on top of them and oh, Harry hates to disturb his fragile little boy, but if he doesnt get up he's going to piss himself.

He gently places his hands on Louis' hips and picks him up, laying him down on his side and fixing his IV and blankets before standing up and going to the restroom. He takes off his sweat-stained shirt and lays it on his bag, taking off his sweat pants also. He doesn't need them. I steps around the bed silently, trying to manuever around in the pitch dark. He tries to gently steer around the kids scattered around and meekly glances at the sleeping couple on the couch, Zayn on his back with his mouth open and his arms wrapped around Niall's, who has his face buried in the Doms neck as he breathes softly, waist.

When he finally makes it to the restroom, he closes the door. After he goes, he hears small cries and little broken "Daddy"s. He immediately pulls up his boxers and rushes out, seeing the blankets on the bed shake a little, tiny whimpers and mewls coming from the warm heap.

He nearly sprints over, climbing over the plastic guard and laying down, taking the warm blanket away from Louis' sweaty face. The kitten cries out when he sees his Daddy, latching on to him tightly. Harry rubs his back, cooing to him.

"Princess, what's wrong?" He asks. But Louis' already asleep. He shrugs it off and pushes some of the blankets off of them, for Louis feels quite warm. He kisses his forehead and succumbs to sleep.

A few hours later, at around three in the morning, Louis wakes up again feeling terrible. His skin is coated in sweat and his throat is slick and wet. He whimpers and gasps, knowing he's going to be sick. He weakly scrambles, his claws coming out as he flops around, trying to get up. Harry jerks awake, but not before Louis falls across the guard rail, his IV ripping from his arm as he's sick all over the floor.

Harry gasps as Louis starts wailing, a long, bloody gash across his arm burning as he throws up on the tile floor, his tint body shaking. Niall jumps and falls off of Zayn.

"Please get the kids out," Harry says to Zayn, who nods and helps them out. A few nurses come in to see what the ruckus is. The light is turned on as Harry grabs a bucket and holds it under the little boys chin, wrapping his arm around the Subs waist to lean him against him as a support. He rubs Louis' back as a nurse takes the IV needle and cleans it, looking at Harry in question.

"He needs to keep this in," she says, pressing a wet towel to the long cut.

Louis heaves once more, finally dry, and takes a deep breath, rubbing against Harry in need of comfort.

"He shouldn't get morning sickness this late, should he?" Harry asks the nurse.

The nurse takes his temperature. It beeps loudly. "Its not morning sickness," she shakes her head. "Seems a bit sick. We'll check him up in the morning just to make sure he's okay. Too early to tell now. And he looks wiped. I'll clean out the bucket and give it to you in case he needs to be sick again. We'll clean this up. Best be off with a shower, too. You should probably help him since he can't stand. I'll put in a new IV once he's cleaned up."

Harry nods. "Of course. We'll do that now."

He picks the boy up bridal style and carries him to the restroom. After the shower he takes him back and lays him down. He nuzzles into Harrys chest and falls asleep as the nurse inserts the IV and closes the late, walking out.

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