I streched my arms out, I took in a deep breath and sat up. It was the last day of school. I fell out of bed. My sister somes in my room.
"Come on May, your going to be late on your last day of school!' My sister Josephine or Josie for short shouted to me. I groaned.
"Okay, I wish I could sleep in though."
"You can sleep in all summer now lets go!" Josie ran out of the room. I looked at the clock, 7:30. I was going to be late! I stood up and went straight to my closet. I picked out a small knee length pink dress with flowers on it and a denim jean jacket to go over it. I brushed and curled my brown hair and ran out of my room shouting.
"I smell pancakes!"
"Eat one then go! You will be late!" My mom told me. I wolfed down a sweet blueberry pancake, a piece of bacon and a small glass of orange juice. I grabbed my book bag. My dad and sister were waiting in the car for me. My dad honked the horn and I ran faster. I went in the front seat and turned on the radio. They were playing Via la Vida by Coldplay. The sky was sunny today, and it was 80 degrees! Even though it was June 6th. My dad pulled into the school building.
"Bye May!" Josie said to me. I said bye back to her and ran in. Just as I got into the classroom, the bell rang. Just made it. I sat down next to my friend Evelyn or Eve for short. Evelyn has short light brown hair with highlights. My teacher started speaking.
"Well, look a all of you. You made it through the 8th grade, and you ill be in high school next year! I am so proud of all of you and your work that you have acheived. We will be finishing watching Much Ado about Nothing today. You can hand in your notes over by the turn-in-bin when your done." He turned on the smartboard and the movie started playing. No one watched it though. We went around the classroom and signed yearbooks. We only had to watch five minutes of the movie because we watched almost all of it throughout the week. The bell rang. I went through my other four classes. Now it was time for lunch. I sat down at my usual table. I sat down next to my other best friend Alex. She had dark brown hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. Eve followed, then Seb who has brown hair, tan skin and blue eyes, then Toby who has blond hair and wavy hair that goes to the side, and hazel eyes.. Toby also has small square glasses.
'Hi May!" Seb said to me. I said hi back and opened up my luch box which had a turkey lettuce and cheese sandwhich, a Caprisun, chips, a clemintine and a brownie for a treat.
"Yes! I got a slice of pizza!" Toby yelled.
"You get pizza all the time!" Alex replied.
"So? It's so good!"
"Yeah!" Seb chimed in.
"You guys don't know what your missing. I've got pasta salad," said.
"Lucky, it smells good!" I said to her. She nodded and said it was her moms recipe.
"What are you guys doing after school? I'm getting ice cream," Seb asked.
"I'm going to the water park with Alex," Evelyn
"I'm going camping," Toby said.
"What about you May?" Alex asked.
"Not sure yet, hopefully something. I'll probobly have to watch Josie," I said sadly.
"How old is she again?" Alex asked.
"She's nine. I'm fifteen. I don't see why my parents can't watch her. I want to go out!"
" You could come camping with us, that is an excuse." Toby offered. I a;ways got along with his sister and I came over to his house many times before.
"I'll call you and see."
"Alright." Toby said with food in his mouth. We continued eatng and talking about summer plans. I was most likely going to watch Josie and sleep. I haven't slept in days for some reason. The bell was just about to ring. We all stop eating and clean up quickly. I grab my books from the table and I walked over to my woodhsop class. My favorite. I sit down next to a guy named Joel. He has brown hair that also flows off to the side, much like Seb's hair, deep blue eyes, tan skin and he is a really nice kid. I secretly had a small crush on him. Or...a super large mega crush on him.
"Excited for summer?" He asked me. I nod.
"Do you have any summer plans?" I asked him smally.
"Some, not much. You?"
"I am forced to baby sit my sister."
"Whats your sister's name?"
"Her full name is Josephine, but we call her Josie. I wish I could do stuff over the summer." I told him he nodded.
"Well, you could hang out with me over the summer. I have to baby sit my sister too." Joel told me. My face must have turned red as a beat, but I managed to speak.
"Sure! When?"
"I was going to the drive-in tommorow. Want to come?" My herat fluttered. My stomach turned into knots.
"Sure. I'd love too!"
"Cool. i'll pick you up at 9. I thought I saw you by your house one time, do you live across from the main plaza with the movie theater?"
"Yeah, I'll see you tommorow!"
"Okay class, welcome to your last day of woodshop. When I stop talking you can go and get your hot air balloons and wem will go outside to launch them." We got up and got our ballons. I happened t be partners with Joel. We left the woodshop room, which smelled stringly of sawdust. We exited the building through the doors that led outside. The first group filled up the balloon part with helium. It didnt't go far. We went after. Our ballon filled up with air and lifted off. A small breeze blew, it helped it go farther. Ours went about 300 feet away, landing on a street. We ran and got it. Others went far, but not as far as ours.
"First place winners are May and Joel!" My teacher shouted. People clapped. The bell rang as we walked in. We rushed to the tables and grabbed our stuff. I went to one more class. Drama. Our teacher was being overly dramatic as well. She said the same stuff as the other teachers too. I look at the clock and shout 10 seconds left! Everyone counts down. 6..5..4..3..2..1..SUMMER!!!! We all run out of the building. Eve, Alex and I scream as we run out, happy to finally be free from the annoyances of school.

RomanceMay Daniels is just a fifteen year old girl, lost in the world. Her father abusive and her mother often ignores her leaving her with one person she cares for, Josephine. One day may meets a boy named Joel, one of the cutest guys in school. May was a...