I woke up to the smell of pancakes. The bacon grease smelled strongly, mixed with home made french toast. I hear a knock on the door, Joel comes in.
"My parents know your here. It's okay. They like you, remember when you came over to visit my cousin?"
"Oh yeah, alright. I'm still sleepy" I rolled over. Joel grabs the blankets and pulls them off. I groan.
"Come on, it's ten!"
"Fine," I get up slowly, then drop on the floor. I sit up and then stand up. I walk out, my bed head wasn't to bad. I saw Joel's dad walk out the door. His mom was mid pancake flipping when I came out.
"Hello May! Nice to see you! I can't believe your all grown up! How are you?"
"Good thanks! And you?"
"I'm doing alright. John just went to work. Joels dad..I have breakfest ready. You can sit down ove here dear." She pulled out a chair for me. I said thanks and sat down. She was smiling. I was jelous a little. My parents never smiled. I dug right in to the food, trying to still be polite. The crisp french toast tasted sweet with the syrup and powdered sugar. My mouth watered when I ate it. The savory flavor melted in my mouth. I took a bite of the sweet buttery panckakes. I wanted to save each bite I took. The bacon was chewy, and cooked to perfection.
"Can I ask you something?" Joel's mom asked me. My heart felt like it stopped and I had a nervous feeling, but I nodded anyways.
"How come you didn't come home last night? I'm not angry in any way, just curious."
"Um...I'd rather not talk about it. If you don't mind. I didn't want to deal with the mess at my house."
Her eyes focused on my arm, but I kept eating. She went back to cooking. Joel looked at me with wide eyes. I looked back at my plate and finished eating. It was about eleven when we finished eating. Joel got up.
"Want to go to the park May?" I nod getting up.
"Thanks for making breakfest! It was delicious!" I told Joel's mom.
"No problem! I love cooking for people so you can come back any time sweetie! Bye you two!"
"Bye!" We said in unison. We got in the car, he started the engine and we pulled out. He was quiet, I started forward.
"May, is something wrong at your house?" I was silent. "May, I need you to tell me. Where did you get that bruise?"
"I was baby sitting, I was on the stairs and I fell on the end of the railing. It was kind of painful. Why?"
"Well, last night.." I was silent.
"My dad isn't...quite right." We pulled into a parking space. There was a lot of people at the park. It was another sunny day. I stepped out, a gust of wind blew my hair. We started walking towards the trail in the woods. The leaves were bright green. We walked off the trail to go hiking raher than go on the paved trail. As we walked throught the woods, the air was fresh and moist today. The sun shines brightly through the bright green leaves that hung strongly onto each branch. A birds nest was cradeled like a mother holding a child in the large branches that were close together. I stepped on broken and hollow sticks that cracked with with each step. I looked at Joel. He spoke.
"Tell me about your self. Who is May Daniels?"
"What do you want to know?"
"Well..what do you like to do? What's your favorite food? Who are your best friends? Do you like having fun or relax instead? Tell me everything."
"I like to picinic, hang out with my friends which by the way are Evelyn, Alex, Seb and Toby. I like to go swimming, riding on boats, and watching movies. My favorite food is chicken chiloupas with olives, chicken, and a bunch of other stuff. I love to have fun. Anything else?"

RomanceMay Daniels is just a fifteen year old girl, lost in the world. Her father abusive and her mother often ignores her leaving her with one person she cares for, Josephine. One day may meets a boy named Joel, one of the cutest guys in school. May was a...