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India Pov 💕

I woke up . My body was so sore . Like my back hurts . And my legs hurt. And I tried to walk to the bathroom,  and I was limping. But like last night like it went to far , I guess I was in the moment. But last night can never happen again because I'm not ready to get hurt by August again.

So I limped😩 back to the bed . I checked my phone. It's with a hundred of texts messages from chyna bashin me on Instagram.

I checked them and it said.

"Indian hoe get away from my baby daddy, I love August, he's mine , u stole him from me, how was my sons baby shower". There was more but I didn't read them. I swear when her no father head ass baby come .

Im finna beat that bitch ass again. I didn't care about the comments , I mean literally I laughed at most of them.

So ima just throw shade a lil . I took a pic with me in it and August sleepin in background , I was wearin my bra and panties showin in the pic and I uncovered him a lil to show that he was wearin no shirt.

I took the pic. #BitchesWannaBeMeSoBad.

It got like 10 likes in a min . And then it got up . One boy on here his name is @Mindgoesblink(not real) he commented cz he knew I was throwin shade at chyna . He was like "well chyna ig August left that dirty fish to be with a cleaner source ". I was dead asf 😂😂😂.

Then I typed"yasssss💯💯".

I put my phone back by the lamp and I laid my head on August's back . Then he felt my body so he woke up. "Wow u just had to wake up"I said Rollin my eyes 😒. "Srry boo but what chu want"he said in his sexy sleepy voice. "Nun , I want to cuddle"I said still on his back. "Aw , so how was limpin to the bathroom"he said putting his around me and laughin. "OMG, u saw that , WOOW"I said puttin my hands over my face.

"It was probably because of last night"he said well he pecked my lips and then he smirked.

"Ik , damn"I said pushin his face softly and playfully. "So what we finna do today "August asked playin with my hair.

"Well idk we should probably go downtown"I responded. "Like a date?". "Yea , somethin like that"I said. "Ight , ight" he said then kissed her lips. Then we made out . Until James kept crying. "Let me go g--"he cut me off.

"I'll go get him u do to much"he said lickin his lips and went to go get James.  I was waiting for my family to reunite. Cz I love August and he loves me . But this is hard . Because I love him but I'm afraid he finna cheat again with this chyna bitch 😒. Her name disgusts me like fr . And I thought me and her were over the drama.

But Ig she not over it she still on it because she wanna be a freakin kid about the situation. So ima just let her be . *2hours later*me and August and James headed to RIRI's moms house. To drop off James just for like 2hours. So me and daddy can get some time to talk not fuck lol dead asf 💀😂😂.

*After we went to city place*

August Pov🍧

*50mins later*

*We arrived 🏤*

Before we walked around we got iceys.

"How can I help you guys today , can I start u guys off with R special, it's a cherry icey with , gummie worms , nerds , air heads and dums , dums with the stick takin off  , it's called the crazy cone"the cashier asked .

"Um , ik she would like that "I said laughin a lil. "Oh so she likes the good stuff "the. Cashier said laughin.

"Yea , and he likes the nasty stuff"india says while lookin at the cashier and laughin a lil.

"Aw , u guys r like a cute couple"the cashier said.

"Oh , no we R like friends I mean we have a kid together but we're not like dating"India said .

"Oh ok , so do u want the crazy cone?"she asked india. I was mad asf that india wanna surger code shit . Like u was in my bed , kissin me and shit I was hopin u were going to say that , like we're takin it slow, but like damn just a 'oh we're not dating'.

"How much is that?"she asked the cashier. "Well I'll make it less for yall ,it's gonna be 7$"the cashier said. India paid for the iceys. And then we left.

India Pov 🍧

I see that August is mad asf. He not talking to me and is just in his own world right now. "U ok"I said tryna rap my arm around his arm but he moved it . "Yup I'm fine"he responded. "No u not , just tell me , plz"I begged.

"U sayin we not together like what just happened this morning we were kissin back and fourth . And we slept together, like wtf , like u can't dis me like that , like I'm not a car , u can't hit and run " I said mad and shit.

"Aug , no I didn't mean it like that , I was tryna say that me and u r like starting slow . It's not like we datin , I'm sorry boo"she said gettin up from her seat and comin on my side of the table and bitting my lip and pecked my lips . While she was going to sit back down .

I slapped her ass 🍑. "Ouch aug, I told u I was sore"she said punchin my arm. "Damn , boo , don't let all yo anger out on my arm"I said holdin the side of my arm.

"I'm sorry , u just get me mad"she said holdin my hand . We talked and talked. "Aye , Bae I have somethin to tell u about chyna "she said . "Yea what about her"he said all ears.

"Ok so chyna bashed me on insta with all these comments , sayin get away from August and shit , I still love him , how did my sons baby shower go , then I took a pic , like I threw hella shade , here look at the pic , see I put *august was looking in my phone *


And one of my followers was like , well chyna ig August left that dirty fish to be with a cleaner source . I was dead asf"I said laughin a lil. August was dying of laughter 😂😭😂. I was like damn . After he was done dying .

He said"look , for me I feel like we should go confront her and tell her that were workin things out , *india smirks*india ur not gonna fight the girl , she's pregnant "I said laughin. "Ik that , I'm just sayin I hate when ppl call my son there son like I feel like James is R son , not her son so she need to chill out with that shit"India said.

"Fr , I hate it when , Jordan says it and when chyna says it like nah we the parents"I said.

"True 💯💯"she said .

"So u gonna meet up with her with me"I said holdin her hand.

😳August wants India to meet up with chyna .

Should they meet up or nah.

Happy late birthday James😊.

Jordan is the father of Chynas kid.😳

To Be Continued.........................

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