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The next morning 😔🔫😢

India Pov 😭

*Tv talkin*

  Basketball player August Alsina has been shot last night at , 11:34pm . He has been rushed to the Atlanta hospital into surgery. We found 5 bullets in his stomach. We are trying to save him. The victim was Jordan Harris , he was arrested last night. He has a warrant , a 2yr sentence in jail. Augus--"

I turned off the TV cz I heard enough. and tried to not let the tears fall. I looked at Nikki and RiRi. "India I'm so sorry"Nikki grabbed me into a hug. "WHY DOES THIS HURTING SHIT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME"I cried and yelled. "LETS GO TO THE HOSPITAL NOW"Mia busted in my condo.


"Can I see August alsina plz"I told the front lady at the desk. "Um I'm sorry I can't let u go back there he's in bad condition right now , can U plz wait in the waiting room"she told me. August mom"India come here plz"His mom was pouring out with tears. James was with Mia and Nikki sitting down in some chairs in the waiting room.
I hugged his mom. "I'm so sorry Mrs.Alsina"I cried. "U don't have to be , it's not ur fault"she said sobbin on my shoulder.

***********3hrs later************

I was being shaked by a nurse"August is in a coma , I'm am so sorry"the nurse said. August mom cried. "Can I see him plz"I asked. "Who r u to August"she asked. "I'm his baby mama"I said calmly. "Yea , Ill walk u to his room , right this way.

When I walked in I saw his cousin by the bed"hey India"he said huggin me. "Hey"I said havin tears escape my eyes. "I'm so sorry"he said. "Don't be , this is all my fault"I said. "Don't blame ur self for this mess"he said leavin the room , giving me a signal he wants me to get my time with Aug.

I looked at aug's bed for like 2mins. And then grabbed a chair that was by his. And I sat down right next to his bed. "So....I'm guessing u got a new girl , that u love in ur life now".

"Ik , because I went to ur b game , and saw some chick kissin u"I said lookin down watching my tears hit the floor. "I ..........love u , August no matter wat happens , it hurts so much to see u with a new family , but this is life and I can't change it"I said. I looked at him and rubbed his cheek and I placed a lil note under his pillow. I was writing it while the three hours pasted by . "I left something under ur pillow"I whispered in his ear and left the room.

August Pov 😔

I don't have a new family, but she was a Friend wit benefit. Ik u feel bad baby girl. I miss my son and my baby. I feel bad too , I put India through so fuckin much. I love u too , I wanted to say that to her. I miss her so much.


India Pov {3days later}

We were still in the hospital. I saw 2nurses 6doctors rushed down to August's room. And I saw another nurse rush down also . I stopped her"what's going on"I asked. "August is awake now, but you'll have to wait a few mins to see him"he said before runnin off. "Thank god he woke up"his mom said.

August Pov 😳😕😔

I woke up from my coma . Thank god🙏🏼. The doctors and nurses Unplugged the tobe that I eat from.
Some doctors left the room.

"How u feeling mr.aug"the lady asked smilin and putting an ivy In my right arm. "Good , but I'm hungry"I said. "Oh , will get u some food asap"she chuckled a lil😂. "Thanks"I said laughin a lil also. She walked out of the room.

I remember India said she left a note in my pillow. So I decided to read that while I was waiting for my food.

Dear Aug ,

Ik me and u r not together now. But you've Been so distant from ur son. Ik u love him❤️😔❤️ So much. But your moving away from him. He's not moving away. I miss u and love u . But the getting back together shit won't work for me. I've been hurt to much by my own family. Me and James r moving to Chicago where Mia and Nikki r . We won't see u for years or so . I love u no matter what u do to me. I hope u don't throw this note away cz it took a while to write and think about. I got ur back. Not because ur my baby daddy. I got ur back because ur my first love❤️. I thanked God u woke up from this coma. Love u baby daddy❤️.

Love , India❤️.

To Be Continued...................

Last chapter is next ✌🏼.

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