Chapter 21

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Josh's P.O.V

I'm convinced Zack is going to kill Alisha. Why? I don't know. I want to keep them away from each other but I can't or else she will fail her project. That can't happen or else we will kill me. And since she's a fighter, I think she can actually kill me.

Her eyes were closed and her soft hair covered her face. I could hear her quiet breathing. She started to shake and I knew right then she was having a bad dream. Probably another one about Zack.

I hated that man. I called him my best friend once. I can't believe I thought he was a good guy. Abusing a girl is not a good thing. Not to mention he coukd have gone to jail if Alisha called the cops! But she didn't vecause she cared for him. And he betrayed her And for such a long time? I still can't believe she's been hurt so many times by so many people she trusted. I mean she must have really bad trust issues.

Not to mention her parents! Blaming her for something she didn't do! They should be mad at her uncle! She's had a terrible life. The death of a sister. 3 friends leaving her. Her parents mad at her for no damn reason. That's pretty harsh.

I held her close to me and tried to keep her calm. She dug her face into my shirt and after a few minutes she stopped shaking. We stayed like that for a while. It felt right. Cliché, I know...

I drifted of to sleep when I finally put my mind at ease that she'd be okay. And if she isn't, well she can handle herself. And if she can't she has me, Mike and the rest of the guys.

I kissed her cheek ad smiled. Then I wen to bed.

The next morning Alisha did her usual routine. Got up, took a shower, changed (in the bathroom unfortunately), did her makeup then went down to her car and drove to Starbucks.

She is in love with that place, I swear.

I get to school and look for Zack. I see him sucking some cheerleader'd face. I pull him off and slam him into the lockers. He grunys but I didn't care.

"Listen here you. If you hurt Alisha you're a dead man. It's not a threat its a promise. If she comes home crying because of you, you're so screwed. Got it?" I say through gritted teeth. I was raging right now.

"Wow, you're whipped man," Zack says with a smirk. I slam him harder against the lockers and he grunts again. He's lucky I'm not giving him a concussion!

"Shut up. If you know whats good for you, you will be good to her. I don't know why she put up with you for all those years. She should have called the cops on you a long time ago but she didn't. You should be so grateful. She did nothing to you! She's a kind, sweet, intelligent and strong girl. You're a coward. You should be ashamed that you let a girl like Aliha go," I say.

By this point, we gathered a crowd. I let go of him and glared. I stomped away to my class. And as I was walking, that's when I realized I liked Alisha.

I liked Alisha Johnson.

The nerdy, good two shoes, who put up a disguise to cover up her real self. I like the girl who gave me a roof over my head and let me live in her house.

I liked everything about her. Her smile, blush, laugh, giggle. She was different. And I know, so cliché right? But she was different because she had a little bit of everything. She was fit like the cheerleaders. Smart like a nerd. Strong like a gangster. She was like the perfect girl. Other than her insecurities. Buy those also made her original, unique and cute.

Oh my god.

I don't like Alisha.

I'm in love with her.

And the worst part is, I was falling harder for her every single day.

Zack's P.O.V

His words echoed in my ears.

"She did nothing to you!"

"You should be ashamed that you let a girl like Alisha go,"

All the words were in my head. I slammed a locker and held my head in my hands.

I should be ashamed. I let our friendship go for a stupid reason. And I needed to tell her why.

We were done the most part of our project. It's just the why we aren't on good terms. She thinks she knows but she doesn't.

I walked to her class and waited till the bell rang to tell her to come over today. I know I told her to come tomorrow but I needed to tell her today. I will just move around my schedule.

The bell rang and people started filling the halls. Alisha took a little longer to get her things. When she walked out I pulled her arm and turned her to face me.

"What the hell Zack?" She says.

"Sorry. I just wanted to say you have to come over today," I say.

"But I thought you said-," she started but I cut her off.

"Yeah I know what I said but who cares. Come over after school okay?" I say urging her to agree.

She sighs, rolls her eys and nods her head. I let her go and she rushes of to her next class. I smile. I remember how she hates being late. I miss Alisha in my life.

I should have never let her go. I am an idiot.


Authors Note

Hey guys! Did you like the chapter? Now are you ready to find out why Zack let Alisha go? Well stay tuned for the next chapter which will probably be up soon. Please read my other story too Good Girl Gone Bad! Thanks! And don't forget to comment and vote!

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