4- "You made a friend?"

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 Lena stumbled into the center of the fight before she regained her balance, and launched herself at one of the fighters. Although her blonde hair spilled over her face, I could tell that the girl lying beneath Lena was Brianna. She kicked her feet helplessly as Lena held both of her arms captive above her head. Lena’s lips moved quickly and her eyebrows arched low on her forehead as she yelled at Brianna for a moment before pushing herself up from where she was sitting on Brianna’s stomach and turning towards Brianna’s opponent with a heavy scowl of disapproval lining her face.

Afterwards she stomped over to the skinny red head that had been fighting with Brianna. In a few quick strides, Lena was standing in front of the girl and was waggling her index finger in the girl’s face; the same way that a mother would while reprimanding a small child. Lena roughly grabbed onto the girl’s arm as she turned towards me, still frowning as she dragged the little red head closer. I couldn’t see the girl’s face due to the fact that her head was hung low causing her thick red hair to spill over her face, but I was sure that she was Gabriella, Lena’s little sister. The crowd parted like the Red Sea as the two red headed sisters walked towards me.

As Lena passed, she grabbed onto my hand and turned me to walk along with her and Gabriella. By the time we had gotten back to Blake, he was shoving his book into his back pack and shrugging it over his shoulder as he looked at me with a confused expression etched onto his face.

Before I could fill him in on what had just happened, Lena said, "Don't ask." She shoved Gabriella into the empty space on the bench next to Blake before she continued. "Let's just get on to the bus and forget that it every happened. Our parents have enough to worry about right now." Lena threw a pointed look in her sister's direction. Gabriella glanced down and rubbed the back of her neck as she slouched deeper into her seat as if she was trying to disappear. Lena seemed oblivious to her sister’s obvious discomfort. “Guys this is my little sister, Ella. Ella, meet Violet and Blake.” Lena gestured to us and smiled.

Ella looked from me to Blake and then crossed her arms haughtily. “We’ve met already,” She said with a scowl lining her delicate face.

Blake glanced at me to see if I knew what she was talking about. Although her face looked kind of familiar, I didn’t remember meeting her before. Noticing our puzzled expressions, Ella spoke again to clear up our bewilderment. “I saw you this morning...” She waved both of her hands in small circles as if she was trying to jog our memory. “I was with Brianna and the other girls when you guys were being rude to her. It was uncalled for really. She did nothing to you.” Ella tossed her long red hair over one shoulder as she popped a stick of gum into her mouth. The whole time her eyes stayed focused on mine.

“You and Brianna seem like good friends.” My words dripped with sarcasm, “It was obvious from the way she was pulling your hair back there.”

Lena shook her head, “I hope this isn’t going to be a repeat of last year. Can’t you just find some normal friends to hang out with?”

Ella finally looked away from me. Instead, she focused her glaring eyes at her sister, “Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her words came out in a low growl. “Brianna is nice. We just had a misunderstanding. And besides,” she shrugged her shoulders and smirked, “we have two different definitions of normal. You refer to these losers as normal? Brianna told me all about Violet. She’s a freak. Always has been and always will be.”

Her words may have hurt if I was the type of person to give a shit what she thought. The only thing I was mad about was that she was judging me and she hadn’t even been talking to me for more than ten minutes. I was about to voice my thoughts when Ella pushed up off of the bench and repositioned her skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles in the material, before walking off. She sauntered over to where Brianna and her two lap dogs where standing around Brianna’s car. When Ella was in there vicinity, she walked straight up to Brianna and—from the look of it—was apologizing to her. Brianna smiled and patted Ella on the shoulder before she climbed behind the wheel of her fancy sports car while her followers, Ella included, climbed into the remaining seats.

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