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I don't understand what's so hard about sending him a piece of my writing? I've looked at almost all of my poems, short stories, reports and research papers, and I can't seem to find something that i'm happy with. I guess that's the struggle of being a writer though, it never seems good enough. I don't want to keep Oliver waiting, but I don't want to send him something bad. I really want him to think I'm a good, mature writer. I just don't know if I am though.

I could write a new piece for him, but then I would want to retouch it for weeks until I think it's okay enough for another set of eyes to read.
I scroll through my computer files until I come across a file titled 'dad'
When I click on it only one piece is in it. I don't remember writing this?

Have you seen my Daddy?
I don't know where he's gone
Sometimes it hurts so much
I can't seem to carry on.

I hear he doesn't look quite the same
He doesn't need much rest
The IV and medications are all gone
In fact, he looks his best

Is he playing tag with his parents?
In that place way up high?
Or is he napping in God's garden
Where the beautiful in hammocks lie?

Some say he is always watching
I hope this to be true
And that one day he'll return to me
And say, "I've come for you"

Have you seen my Daddy?
I imagine he's doing okay
Though it hurts to know
I can't call him every day.

I really miss my Daddy
I wasn't ready to say goodbye
It will never be the same
Years from now, I know I'll cry

I bet God is with my Daddy
Wrapped up in His arms
Sheltered from all illness and sorrow
Keeping him from harm

I bet he sees us mourning
But would want us to smile
And tell us our time apart
Is only a little while

I'll never quite understand
Why your time here was so small
But you said you'll always be there
To catch me when I fall

I miss you so much Daddy
But I hope and pray
That when it's my time you'll come for me
I'll see you again someday

I guess it was meant to be
That your work here on Earth was done
Now your life in paradise
Has only just begun

Tears that I weep and prayers
Will hopefully travel very far
To reach my loving daddy
Sitting among the stars

Now I remember. I wrote this the day after he passed away.
I quickly type in Oliver's email and send that to him. If that's not good enough for him then I don't want him to read anything else of mine. I'm proud of this and it's the most personal piece I've written.

Sent to: oliverevans.contact.gmail.com

Oh god I regret that. I quickly slam my laptop shut and fling myself onto my bed, face down into the pillow. I shouldn't have told him my dad died, I hardly know the man. Maybe I should research him! I duffle off my bed and back over to my laptop. I open a new tab and search oliver evans , let's see if he really is a writer for a men's health magazine.

Is a six pack a realistic goal? By Oliver Evans not reading that, I honestly don't care about having a six pack. Maybe a six pack of cupcakes, or lemonade.

One night stand? Rules to getting a girl out of your house by 10 am! By Oliver Evans ew, I'll pass

Dealing with heartbreak, in a manly way. By Oliver Evans ohh this might be interesting.

"Have you had your heart broken recently by a girl you never thought would make it past a second date? With these three steps you'll be on to your next threesome."
EW um can he not
"Step one: masturbate
Yes, one of the things guys do the most can heal your broken heart. Who needs a girl when you have an amazing hand who will never make you feel lonely again?

Step two: hang with your bros
Having some guys around will help you feel like a real man again, who needs to feel like a sissy who spends their night crying while listening to your ex's favorite 1D album. Whether you're out at the bar throwing a few back or you're sitting at home on tinder, you'll all find a way to bond a heal your heart.

Final step: sports
Take your anger and sadness out on a sport. Whether it's you physically playing or just watching the game with your dad, yelling at the ref will make you feel masculine in a matter of seconds.

Um okay that was a strange article. So I guess I know he masturbates now, that's interesting, I guess. I wish I could just tell him men can actually have emotions too. Like, not just girls sit in their beds and eat an excessive amount of cookies while watching romantic comedies. Just as I am about to click on an article titled Give your girlfriend the best oral ever! By: Oliver Evans I get a notification from my email.
Reply from Oliver Evans

I read your piece, Layla. It was actually good, not that I expected anything different. I would love to talk to you about it sometime, maybe over coffee? Thanks - Oliver

Um did he just ask me to coffee? That seems like a date? Maybe I'm just getting excited but I think the hottest man alive just asked me on a date, to talk about writing. I must be dreaming. I quickly press 'reply' and quickly type:

"Yes, coffee sounds great. Let's meet at Lucy's cafè tomorrow morning at 11?"

Almost instantly he sends back

"Sounds great :)"


Tomorrows the date. Also I didn't write the dad poem it's from here Source: http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/for-my-daddy#ixzz3u57m23P1
#FamilyFriendPoems please don't arrest me for plagiarism I sited it correctly I think okay bye

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