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What have I done...
I've been pacing around my room for half an hour just trying to figure out what to wear. I've never been like this, usually I just brush my hair, put on whatever I grab and then I leave.
I've actually never been on a date, I know, shocking. Most girls my age are hooking up with a new guy every weekend then crying about it on Monday.

Oliver and I are meeting at a coffee shop a few minutes from my house in half an hour. You would think giving myself an hour to get ready would be too much time.
I can't decide, I've tried on every skirt,shirt and dress I own and it's all too ugly for the occasion. It's not everyday that you grab coffee with the sexy speaker from school.
I grab black jeans and a turtle neck and call it good. If he can't accept me in this then he definitely can't accept me when I'm wearing my too short pajama pants and bleach stained tank tops.

I quickly brush through my hair then run to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
After a few more minutes of internally screaming I head out the door.

"Layla, over here!" Is the first thing I hear when i pop my blonde head into the coffee shop.
I smile at oliver and make my way over to the secluded booth he picked. Intimate.

His dimples are on full display as I shuffle into the red seat and set my bag down next to me.
I awkwardly clear my throat and he passes a cup to me.

"I got you just black coffee, thought you would add your own sweetener."
I nod my head at him and pick up two packets of sugar from the condiment tray next to me.

"So I read your poem about your dad, that was really amazing to read. I'm glad you gave me that opportunity." His chocolate eyes search my face for any sliver of emotion, but what he doesn't know is that I'm about to barf all over our booth right now.

"Yeah, I'm glad you liked it." I say as my grip around the mug tightens.

"Do you want to talk about it? Or are you tired of talking about writing because of school." His laugh echoes through the tiny café and I swear every women there gets flustered.

"We can talk about it if- if you want, we don't have to- but we could if you wanted." My face turns pink as I ramble and his crooked smile takes over his face.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" This question makes my head snap up and look into his eyes.

"Um no. I-I don't."

But you could change that

My brain needs to stop being so sexual, this is a simple meet up, not a date.

"I can tell. You seem nervous around men." I watch his plump lips as he some what insults me.

"Well- i mean after my dad- I just find it hard to be around men. I don't know, it's just a thing I guess." My eyes shift to the busy street outside.

"No, I get that. I was just wondering." We have a moment of silence and I feel his eyes watching me as I observe the pedestrians in my view.

"You're the first student that I've found attractive." What's with him being so abrupt? My eyes shift to him once again and I gain the pigmentation to my cheeks again.

"I-um- thanks, yeah thank you, I guess." I say as I tuck the falling hair back behind my ear.

"You know I didn't ask you on this date to talk about your poem, you are a great writer, but I wanted to get to know you." His fingers gently rub against my knuckles that are gripping my cup.

"Ya know? I should go. Yeah, so I'll see you later." I quickly stand up and throw two dollar bills on the table after collecting my things.

"Wait! Layla? Come on." I hear his requests for me to stay as I exit the small building.

I hardly make it one block before I feel a firm hand grab my shoulder and turn me around. I gasp loudly as I'm almost swept off my feet.

"I'm sorry if that was weird back there but I just wanted to tell you how I felt, I can't just stop thinking about you, okay? Ever since I made eye contact with you that day I went to your class, I can't stop. You're in my dreams Layla, I can't even write a stupid article for work without thinking about you." He somewhat shouts at me as he's staring deeply into my eyes.
I'm left speechless at his confession, my lips just parted in awe.
With one swift movement I make my way to him and press my lips against his, this is probably not a smart thing to do, but I don't care at this point.

He quickly responds and kisses back. His hands cradle my face and I stay on my toes to reach his height.
After a heated kiss is shared in a shady allie way we spilt, both of us panting from the sudden kiss.

"Well, I didn't expect that." He's the first to talk. I giggle and look down at our feet, suddenly embarassed that I made such a bold move.

"Want to give me your number and we can talk about date number two?"


"I'm telling you ashley, it was the most romantic moment of my life." After Oliver and I parted ways I quickly drove to Ashley's house in a panic, ready to tell my best friend about my love affair with an older man.

"and he just chased after you? Ugh why can't guys be that romantic with me?" She crosses her arms and pouts as she thinks about her relationship.

I blissfully sit on her bed and think about the oh-so-handsome Mr.Evans.

This has been a great day.


Okay kinda dumb ending but THEY KISSED. It HAS BEGUN MY FRIENDS.

Who else is puking because I know I am.

Also can you all comment your favorite shows on Netflix? I'm like half way through criminal minds and I need something to watch also so your comments would be appreciated. :) thanks everyone.

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