Chapter 39

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A/N- Hey guys! I don't do this often, but I felt like I needed to say a couple things about the previous chapter. First - thank you for not openly hating. I think I only saw one hateful comment, so that was nice. I wrote Chapter 38 knowing I might lose some readers, obviously that's the last thing I want, and as a people pleaser, a part of me really wanted to change it and make Braces survive. But that felt untrue to the story and to the world. So I did something that may not please everyone - it certainly didn't make me happy - but it felt true. 

Anyway, without further ado, here is Chapter 39. I hope you enjoy! :] 

Chapter 39

Hunter stops, but I don't. Exhausted. Cried out. But still trying to get away from him, away from everyone. I don't care about anything. It's dark as we traipse through the wooded area but not so dark that we can't see, a big moon and bright stars offer enough light to see the way. I don't know when we left suburbia and entered the forest again.

"Keep going, I'll make sure we aren't followed and catch up."

We're definitely being followed. Unless they're the biggest idiots left breathing and eating something other than each other, we were probably pretty easy to follow. I don't think I was the only one making noise, but even if I were, it was loud enough that they definitely knew we were there. I doubt anyone has been careful about leaving tracks. They should be though, we all should be. Zoe described these men as hunters. If they're anything like our Hunter, they know how to follow a trail.

"What about—"

"Just go. We'll catch up." Something in his voice must convince Atlas, because they keep walking and Hunter stands still, with me slung over his shoulder, still fighting to get down.

It's silent for a moment and then Hunter shifts and slides me down his body until my feet hit the ground, crunching in the leaves. Without hesitation, I push away from him, stumbling back and nearly falling to my butt, but Hunter grabs onto my wrist, yanking me upright. I snarl at him, narrowed eyes. I don't care that he's helped me or whatever, I don't want him anywhere near me. My free hand swings for his face, slapping him across his cheek – something I've apparently become fond of in the last day.

"Let go of me," I growl, my voice hoarse from yelling and crying.

"Sorry," he says releasing me and holding his hands up in a surrendering fashion.

"Don't," I spit. "Don't you dare apologize." I press my palms flat against his chest and push him away. He stumbles back and I sense that was only because he let me. He regains his balance and doesn't even look a little upset with me. That only pisses me off more. I push him again, shoving harder this time. Hunter, more prepared for the assault this time, doesn't budge. His face remains neutral and he watches me, but doesn't make any attempt to stop me.

I push again, something inside me that I can't control desperate to pick a fight.

"I hate you!" I shout when he doesn't react to me. And I think I might really mean it as the venom-filled words leave my lips.

I hammer my fist into his chest. And then the other. I didn't think I had any energy left in my arms, but I do. I hit him again and again and he just stands there and lets me. Worse, his face is twisted in pain and his eyes are watery with unshed tears. It's not because I'm hurting him either, it's because he's hurting for me. I think I hate him for that. Tears I thought had dried up stream down my cheeks again, blurring my vision. Finally he catches both my wrists in him hands.

"Let me go," I choke on the words as I struggle to punch out of his hold.

He doesn't let go. Hunter pulls me closer until my body is flush with his. The fact that I'm fighting and shoving doesn't seem to bother him in the least as his hands drop my wrists and loop tightly around my back.

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