chapter five

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Chapter Five

Bing. Mia’s phone chimed once. Bing. It chimed again. She rolled onto her back and covered her head with her pillow. She wanted to just stay asleep in her bed, not talking to anyone, and just relax. Yeah right. No one would let her stay alone for too long in this world. Mia grumbled incoherently and reached over to grab her phone off her night stand. She sat up blinking the sleepiness out of her eyes.

Meeting with Hill at 9. Be there. It was from Fury. Mia sighed. Yep, never alone. She got dressed I her standard SHEILD outfit: a plain black V-neck t-shirt and comfortable skinny jeans with her hair pulled back in a long braid. She put on her favorite dark brown combat boots and left her room.

Mia went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fridge. She leaned against one of the large windows munching on the piece of fruit. She could see that the city was already busy with life this early in the morning. There were foot steps behind Mia and she turned to see who entered the room. Clint rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and noticed Mia standing by the windows.

“Hey,” he said yawning. “Hey. Still sleepy?” Mia asked. Clint smiled and said, “Yeah, I just woke up. By the way, why are you up so early?” Mia looked down at her watch. “It’s not that early. It’s 20 minutes before 8. Any way I have a meeting with Hill this morning, probably to debrief on my last mission. I forgot to hand in a mission report…” Mia said sheepishly. “Oh, Hill’s gonna have your head for that one! Well good luck,” Clint said leaving Mia to go to the kitchen.

Mia finished her apple and disposed the core before she took the elevator down to the garage. She looked around at the vehicles surrounding her. Tony had some very nice and very expensive looking cars. She wondered if he would miss any of them… No, she thought. If I “borrow” one of Tony’s cars he’ll just get me back one day in some sort of twisted scheme when I’m least expecting it. Although, it would give me an excuse to kick his ass… Mia shook her head and wandered until she found her car. It was a black Nissan Ultima with smooth leather seats. It had been a gift from her uncle when she completed her SHEILD training.

She started up the car and drove out of the city to the rendezvous where she would take a small shuttle to the Helicarrier.


Mia sat in front of Hill’s office waiting to be called into her meeting that she was dreading. One minute. Two minutes. Three-

“You can come in now,” said Maria’s voice from through the door. Mia sighed and pushed the door open. Maria was sitting behind her desk and was hunched over staring intensely at some file report. Mia took a seat opposite the agent and waiting for her to say something.

“So Mia, how have you been adjusting?” Maria said staring at the woman across from her.

Mia blinked. “Wait, what?” Maria sighed and repeated her original question. “Fine I guess. It’s not ideal,” Mia said shrugging.

“Okay. How are the other team members treating you? I know how Stark can be hot headed sometimes,” Maria said scribbling something down on the paper in front of her. “Stark is fine. I mean he’s a complete idiot and can act impulsively but…” Mia trailed off. “Why are you wondering?”

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