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I'm currently on my way to Mikey's house, since this is the last time I may ever see it. They're about to get booted out so the land can be built on, so something can be built that "benefits this town". I'll be the first to admit, I cried when Mikey had told me. Not at that moment, but later. I mean, it will sound silly–since I am only thirteen–but I think I love him. Maybe not, I mean I've never been in love so I guess I couldn't possibly know for sure. I like him a lot, at the least. He's funny and sweet, and never obnoxious like my brother, Mouth. And his looks were heartbreaking-to me anyways.

I walk up to the door and just as I'm about to knock Mouth locks the screen door in my face. "Hey!" He smirks, "Are you lost?" I love my brother, I do, he's a good guy deep down. But most of the time, he's plain annoying.

"Clark, open the damn door." 

"Ouch! That's not a way to good on my good side, sister." 

I hear shuffling inside the house as I pull on the screen door in frustration. "Mouth, just let her in." There's Mikey, coming to my rescue from my idiot brother. 

Mouth sighs as Mikey opens up the door, holding it for me. "Mikey, Mikey. You play right into her game!" I feel my cheeks redden, though Mouth is just being his typical self, he knows I like Mikey. I made him swear not to tell him, I told him if he did I'd go back in time to when we were just baby twins growing inside our Mom, and consume him. Some twins do that. Enough with the gross things I've said to my brother though.

"Shut up, you idiot." I shove him as I make my way through the door and flop down onto the couch, next to Chunk. "So what's on our venue for the day?" 

"Well, we get to be watched by Brand, isn't it lovely?" The response came from my brother, which I did laugh at. "Although, we should be doing something exciting since this will be our last 'Goonie' weekend together." 

Brand rolls his eyes at Mikey's remark, "Hey, I'm just following Mom's orders. Besides, I have a date tonight." 

Now it was Mikey's turn to roll his eyes, he had a sarcastic remark on the tip of his tongue, but didn't say it. "So, Chunk, tell my ignorant sister about what you told us about." Chunk explains that he saw two cop cars chasing an ORV and that there were bullets flying everywhere.

We all hear a bunch of noise, over shadowing Chunks yelling. Upon looking outside we see Data, 'flying' over to Mikey's roof. "Oh, get the screen door!" From outside, Data says the same.

 Mikey turns to Mouth, "Open the screen door!" Just as he does Data crashes through the door nearly knocking over a porcelain, white, statue–Chunk caught it fortunately. 

He laughs, "Hey, I bet you guys thought I was going to drop it, huh? Ha ha. I knew you would think that from good old Chunk." He sits it onto the end table, and as his sentence is finished the statue falls. 

"Oh my god!" 

"You idiot!" I laugh a little, but noticing Mikeys concern, my expression hardens. 

"Look, it's not broken. It's perfect. Ha ha." However, that statement was false, I realized, the uh...

"Oh my god. That's my Moms most favorite piece." I giggle slightly, unable to help it as it had been the penis that broke off.

Mikey looks at me, smiling for a mili-second before returning his attention to Chunk. Realization is clear on Chunks face, "Oh my god." 

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't." 

Once again, that was my idiot brother for you. "Shut up Mouth."Mikey, Brand and I all spoke at once. 

As the boys decide to glue the piece back on, hurrying before Mikey's Mom gets home, Mouth sneaks up behind me–catching me staring intently at Mikey. "Awh, reading the mind of your lover boy?" 

I jump, and accidentally hit Brand in the face with his strange exercising tool. "Sorry!" I scramble to face my brother, "Shut up. You agreed, so just shut up." 

"Well, I have yet to see this time machine." I hit him in the arm, Mikey looks at us strangely and says, "Stop it guys, come over here and help us." I give Mouth a death stare, willing him to stay quiet about my crush.

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