Chapter 10

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Graces pov:

I was awoken the next day, by the bus bumping, I forgot we we're heading to a new town, California, I was excited for this. I slipped out of my bunk and got dressed in black skinnies and a long sleeved t-shirt and my black converse. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed something to eat.

Jake's pov:

I moved Ella's arm and walked into the kitchen, after getting dressed. I saw Grace watching tv and eating cereal, I got the same and walked towards her and sat down and said "Hey, how you liking tour?" She looked at me and smiled and said "It's been great, can't wait to see our new home though!" I laughed. Tour would be over in a few weeks.

----------2 months later----------

The bus dropped us off at our houses, me, Grace and Storm got off, when we reaches my house, we said "Bye Jinxx and CC take care." They said bye back and I grabbed my keys and unlocked the house door, I picked up our cases and we walked in, I grinned at Storm and Grace, who looked shocked.

I showed them around and took them to their rooms, my friends had done up the rooms for then specially, Graces room had grey walls and everything else was black and Storms was red walls and everything else black, they came running to find me and both hugged and thanked me.

Grace, Storm, me and Ella, were eating lunch, Storm said "Thank you for adopting us, but also thank you for the wonderful food, I don't think, I would have come this far without you and Ella and everyone else." Ella smiled and said "Your welcome, both of you, I'm glad we have you both, we enjoy your company, Grace, I was thinking, come with me tomorrow and do some modelling." Grace nodded, she was too busy enjoying food. We all laughed at her. She just smiled.

After lunch, I went and sat in the library, reading some random book, I picked up. I sighed and put it back restless, I wanted to go for a walk, so I did.

Storms pov:

I really like this house, I think it's better than any house, I have been too, for as long as I can remember, I have lived in the care home. I was messaging Eugenia, she wants me to come over tomorrow, I'll see if we have any plans first, so I shouted "Ella, do we have any plans tomorrow?" She shouted back "No why?" I went to the top of the stairs and said "I'm gonna hang out with Eugenia, if thats OK?" She nodded, smiling.

I walked into my room and saw Grace, she made me jump, my heart was racing, I put my hand there, Grace grinned and said "Sorry for scaring you, anyways, what about you and Eugenia huh? I mean your a good couple, just really close." I nodded and said "I love Eugenia, she has a special place in my heart." Grace nodded in understanding, "So not like your ex?" She spoke. I sighed and shook my head and replied with "No, now I'm going to sleep before tea, wake me up when it's ready." She nodded and left and I laid on my bed and went to sleep.

A/N- Sorry for a shitty chapter and not always updating, been busy with exams, and stuff, anyways love y'all my lil minions ~ Ashleigh xx

Adopted By Jake Pitts // COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now