Chapter 5

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The brothers walked me to Café Firefly. Morgan and I didn’t say anything to each other after what happened back at Baskin and Robbins. Travale was mainly doing all of the talking. He was telling me how much I’m going to like the café. The café was the only one in this town. I kept thinking to myself that this town must be pretty lame if there is only one café here. Where I used to live, there was about five maybe more café just in one suburb. I wonder how many restaurants they have here.

“Do you know why they call it Café Firefly?” Travale asked, which I thought was a stupid question since I obviously didn’t know why they named the café that.

“No,” I said. And I really don’t care.

“It’s named after the fireflies that come out here on summer nights,” Travale explained. “They are mostly down near the river, but they sometimes appear in fields that has long grass or in gardens. They are so totally awesome, Taylor. You should go down to the river sometime to see them. I used to go down there with Morgan on some nights to see them before the accident.”

I wanted to say fascinating in a sarcastic way since I really didn’t care. I don’t like bugs so I don’t think I really want to watch fireflies light up the skies at night. But I decided not to. Instead I said cool. I then glanced at Morgan. I couldn’t work out what he was thinking, but I’m guessing he is probably thinking about his brother’s accident.

We reached the café which was two blocks from Baskin and Robbins. A fair bit of people were in there as it got closer to noon. I couldn’t see Kai or Mum anywhere yet.

“Hey, there’s Trevor,” Travale suddenly said. He turned to Morgan. “Can I go over and say hi?”

Morgan nodded his approval. Travale wheel over to a table in a corner where a teenager with blond hair was, sitting which a woman who must be his mother.

“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” Morgan asked me. “I will pay it for you after what I did to your shake.”

“Why do you want to buy it for me?” I asked him. “Do you want to throw another drink on me?”

“Can you stop being smart with me and answer my question? If you don’t be careful, maybe I will order a cake and throw it in your face. You wouldn’t be so smart then, would you?”

I stared at Morgan, surprise to hear him speak the way he did to me. I wasn’t even expecting him to say it to me. I wanted to tell him not to speak like that to me, but then that would just make him mad. So I simply just asked him to get me an Ice Tea. While he went to place our order, I went to get a table.

I found an empty table for two next to the window and sat down, staring out at the street. I looked to see if I could spot Mum and Kai coming, but I couldn’t. They were nowhere to be seen. They probably weren’t coming for me. They were going to abandon me and leave me alone with Travale and his horrible brother who just loves making me mad.

I seriously do hate Morgan. I thought back to when we were outside Baskin and Robbins and he was about to kiss me before his brother interrupted us. I wonder if he was really going to kiss me or he was just pretending so he could fool me into thinking that he likes me. What a jerk.

“Here,” I heard Morgan say.

I turned my attention to him as he set down my drink in front of me that was in a clear plastic cup. I thanked him as he sat down opposite from me. He took a sip of his drink. I think he had gotten an Ice Tea as well. He placed the drink down and then pulled out a chocolate chip muffin from a brown plastic bag. He held the muffin up at me, asking if I wanted some of it.

I shook my head. “No thank you.” I took a sip of my drink. Mmm, peach flavour. My favourite.

I watched Morgan as he bit into his muffin. He took a big bite of it. Watching him eat the muffin kind of made me want to eat some of it, but I didn’t want to take a bite out of it now that Morgan has bitten into it.

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