23 3 1

"Trying to keep faith and picture his face ,Staring up at me".

It was just another normal friday at school and Ashton still hadn't figured out the blondes name the same blonde with bright blue that made ashtons heart beat a little faster every time he seen them he had music class with the blonde he wouldn't have ever known that if they didn't get paired up as partners to do a project. and Luke being the quiet introverted person he is didn't move from his spot when the teacher called out the partners saying " ashton irwin and luke hemmings you will be partners " Luke stared in shock at the hazel eyed senior who he had to admit was really cute especially when he smiled and his dimples showed but he knew he had no chance there was no way in hell that ash would be attracted to him. Ashton then making the first move as to working with his partner he got up walking to the back of the room where the blonde sat all alone and he smiled saying " so you're Luke ?" the blonde then nodded and smiled saying "yes" ash was mentally freaking out at that moment he had finally put a name to the beautiful blonde he's been thinking about for weeks Luke just sit there quite the whole time ash sit beside him not wanting to make a complete fool of himself but ash was doing the complete opposite he was always talkative trying to entertain anyone who was watching him that always had been one thing ash had been good at making people smile and laugh. Luke loved that about ash he admired everything about him the way he laughed, the way he smiled , how his fringe fell perfectly ,and just ash in general fascinated Luke he didn't realize he was staring until ash was snapping his fingers in front of his face saying " Lukey you okay ?" luke cleared his throat confused at the nickname saying "ummm yea i'm fine just thinking " ash just smiled going back talking to his friends beside him and Luke continued to just watch him and Ash preceded it what he did best make people laugh. Luke couldn't help but think things about Ash he shouldn't especially when he would stretch and his shirt would come up and he would let his eyes rake up and down the older boys revealed toned stomach and then end up letting his mind wander to places. He knew he shouldn't think like that and especially since he had no chance with ash. But then both of the boys had been snapped out of what they were doing when their teacher Mr.Scott was standing above them and asked " Irwin, Hemmings have you completed any of the assignment ? " Ash getting ready to say no but Luke cut him off saying " umm yes i finished it um i mean we finished it " the blonde then proceeded to lay his head down on his desk and buried his face in his arm. Mr. Scott just walked away and Ash then looked over at Luke to say thank you but he seen that he had his head down and instead of thanking him he cleared his throat saying " Luke you okay ? " Luke then mumbled something that ash couldn't understand. Luke then stood up leaving the room not looking back he ran straight to the bathroom. Luke sit there in silence not expecting anyone to follow him this is normal for him he's invisible no one looks for the quite blonde but today was different Ash got up following him and when he found the blonde sitting against the bathroom wall with his knees drawn up against his chest and he could hear quiet sobs coming from the small blonde. Ashton sit down beside him wrapping his arm around Luke's shoulder causing him to jump and look up at the older boy with tears streaming down his face and saying " Ash what are you doing here ?" Ash then said "i wanted to check on you " Luke still staring up at him said " why ash why do you care ?" the older boy then felt his heart drop and pulled the small boy closer saying " i care because Luke i don't want you to be sad " Luke then pulled away saying " ash well just stop caring because i'm always sad ... "Before ash could say anything the bell rung signaling for the next class and both boys stood up going their separate ways ash made his way to his group of friends and Luke made his way to his next class alone. When the older boy got to his next class he wasn't really himself all he could do is think about the younger boy. Who honestly is all ash has thought about since they met especially those bright blue eyes that ash is just fascinated by but Ash has to think not every boy is into boys like he is so he has to keep to himself about how he feels about Luke even though he really wants to scream it from the rooftops that yes he's gay and is into boys and that he freaking adores luke hemmings. Yes the shy blonde junior that no one really pays attention to. Luke on the other hand sit in the back of his english 3 class staring down at his copy of Hamlet while his teacher read to the class all he could do is let his mind wander to thoughts of ashton which was unhealthy just a week ago he rejected the older boy in the halway and now all he could do was think about him he needed to stop thinking about him and he made i promise to himself that day he wouldn't think of ash anymore because there was no use to think about someone you had no chance with plus Ashton his straight and not gay like him so he pushed all thoughts of the older boy from his head went back trying to focus on the book in front of him.


First chapter up !i hope you like it  be honest and comment what you think please and vote maybe even recommend it to a friend idk 

all the love - ash 

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