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Only seeing myself When I'm looking up at you

Now five years later the two boys sit in a adoption office they have been happily married for five years and happily working and taking care of a hyperactive chocolate lab named Cobain and now they're ready to adopt children Ashton now 30 and luke 29 they decided they wanted to adopt two a girl named Copeland with piercing blue eyes and brunette curly hair she reminded him so much of Jasey even though this little girl was only 10 months old and so smiley and happy and the boys fell in love with her. and the other is a little boy with hazel eyes and golden brown hair that curled at the ends and his name was Troye and he is a year and a half old and the boys fell in love with boy and the children in general and now are going through the basic paperwork and stuff to adopt the two and they knew it would be awhile till they actually had the two in their home they were just excited that they got the process started.They walked out that adoption office smiling widely and only to make there way to a graduation Jaseys graduation she's now 17 and graduating the art school to go to college to study drama something she fell in love with while at the art school and Luke couldn't be more happier he watched the little girl grow up and he now him and Ashton sit in the crowded along with Mr.Messing and they waited till they heard them call out Jasey Rae Messing and the two boys stood clapping to get glares from the others but they didn't care.

After the graduation ceremony Jasey came running over to them hugging them saying " oh my god you guys actually came i love you so much thank you" luke laughed saying " jasey of course we would come love and we love you too congratulations" she smiled saying " Luke did you see my dad anywhere?" he nodded saying " yes he's in the back i think he's probably looking for you" she hugged them one last time before running off to find her father.

When the two boys made it home they walked into the apartment they were greeted by Cobain running and jumping on them and just wanting them to pet him and they did and they went on there way to there bed room laying on the bed luke then looked over at his husband saying " ashton baby were getting old you know that" ashton laughed kissing him and said " but babe your still hot" luke laughed kissing ashton saying " i just want to bring Copeland and Troye home" ashton nodded saying " meto love." the two boys cuddle into each other exchanging one last kiss before drifting off to sleep.

Six months later it's now the beginning of december and the boys got the news about them being able to bring home Copeland and Troye in two weeks so they are finalizing things to move from the city of new york into a medium sized house just a hour from the city they have done got all the things for both Copeland and Troye and they couldn't be more excited to be parents.

The two weeks are finally up and it was the day they got to bring them home they spent the two weeks moving in and setting up the rooms for them even had Michael and Calum over to help with it.

later that day at 6pm on the dot they got that knock on the door signaling that they were there with Copeland and Troye and as soon as they opened the door to see Mrs.Butler standing there with Troye holding her one hand and cope land holding the other they smiled when they seen the two older boys standing there Mrs.Butler said to them " Well boys here's both copeland and troye and i hope you have a great night" luke smiled saying thank you as he took copeland and troye in his hands helping them walk in the house them both so young and innocent and smiling and waddling through the house. Ashton then took copeland in his hands saying " copeland sweetheart let's show you to your room yea" the little girl just smiled and giggled while her now dad helped her to her room and as for troye him and luke sit in his bedroom floor as the now two year old sit in front of him babbling and saying little words and luke couldn't help but smile. Later that night when it was time for bed both boys tucked each child in and luke did the honor of singing to both of them the particular song he fell in love with thanks to jasey he sang yellow by coldplay to the two children. After they kissed each child's forehead they made their way to the bedroom laying down on the bed smiling while they drifted off to sleep.

five Months later both copeland and troye have adjusted well to living with there now parents they call Ashton Dad and Luke Daddy just to identify the difference between them and since luke now instead works at home and does music lessons like he use to his home with them more often while Ashton makes a 1 hour commute to work each morning and brings in most of the income it don't bother him though he sees it as luke's being the stay at home dad to take care of their children and he loves that.

When Ashton came in from work that day he heard the soft hum of Green Day throughout the house and when he walked in the door he seen his husband dancing with their two children to basket case and as soon as copeland seen Ash her face lit up running over to him saying " Dad" ashton picked her up spinning her around kissing her on the forehead before walking over to luke with copeland still in his arms saying " hey baby what's for dinner" luke laughed kissing him on the cheek saying " pizza hope that's okay" ashton kissed him saying "perfect love" he then sit copeland back down and she ran over to her brother who was now playing with toys ashton smiled over at them while he took a slice of pizza from the pan where luke had made saying " luke baby i'm so proud of us" luke placed a kiss on ashton's cheek saying " why love" ashton smiled saying " we have this best little family and i can't believe it" luke laughed saying " i'm just happy i married you ashton and that we have this family you know i never thought i would end up this happy" ashton just kissed luke saying " i love you luke robert hemmings" luke smiled saying "i love you too beautiful" they were then interrupted by crying and they ran into the living room where copeland sit crying and troye sit looking mad and Luke looked at him saying " what happened here Troye?" he just said " nothing daddy she fell" luke nodded saying " are you being honest" troye nodded saying " i promise daddy she was running and fell" ashton was then tending to copeland who was holding her knee he looked at his little girl saying " cope baby you okay do you want me to kiss it better?" she wiped her tears looking up at her dad saying " dad i think i okay" ashton looked down at her little knee that had a little scratch from the floor he kissed it before saying " okay cope let's get a band aid on that love" she nodded while ashton picked her up carrying her to the bathroom. After both boys took care of each child kissing them and tucking them in they made their way to bed cuddling before drifting off to sleep.

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