1:| caroline | my grandma lives on a volcano

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So, when I was about, 7 or 8, I used to visit my grandmas house a lot. And around that time in elementary school, we were learning about volcanoes and lava and all that crap. Here's what I dreamed about almost every single night for around 2 years.....btw I will add more descriptive wording and basically it's what I can remember about it...This will basically be in story form btw....


I bet by now that most people have learned about volcanoes. How they form by plate convergent plate boundaries, the difference between magma and lava...all that stuff. But have you ever heard of anyone, anyone that lives on a volcano? Most likely not. I mean who wants to live on a lava-spewing mountain.

Well I'm here to tell you, I do know someone who lives in a volcano. And that person is my grandmother. So turn on your Halsey and surround yourself with blankets because you will be here for quite a while.

The boiling lava was twisting and turning around the bends of the volcano. It was spewing over the top, trailing down the side. I was walking around the side, clad in a black leather jacket, black combat boots, and gloves.

I could feel the heat on my face as I made my way up the path to her house. I ran the doorbell and a chime was sent throughout the house. My grandma opened the door and ushered me in.

I thanked her and ran upstairs to my room. I shed my boots and gloves and ran to my closet. I threw all of my clothes on the floor and pulled my suitcase down. I threw them all in, not bothering to organize. I zipped it up, stood up, and rushed down the hallway to my parents room.

I shook them awake.

— The volcanos gonna blow, I told them

They wasted no time waking my sister up and packing their clothes. We rushed out the door, following us were my grandparents.

The lava was everywhere, covering the grass and their house. I cringed and hoped their cat got out. I heard a painful meow and I looked down, he was nestled inside one of their suitcases.

I let out a sigh of relief and continued running. The lava was flowing down the mountain faster than normal. I grabbed a board from the mountain side and clutched it for dear life. I put my suitcase over my back like a backpack.

I put the board down underneath my family and I and we rode down the mountain on top of the lava. The sweat was dropping off of me in buckets as we slid down in panic.

Once we hit the bottom, we shot off of the mountain and tore off into the fields. I looked behind and saw the bubbling lava fly through the air and the ash covering the clouds.

I saw that Cherokee, their cat, had got out of their bags and I scooped him up and kept running for my life.

— Where are we going, my mom asked

— Wherever we are safe, my grandpa replied

I just closed my eyes and breathed through my nose to let out stress. We made it to the edge of the town before we all collapsed in distress. I sighed and clutched onto Cherokee. He was growling and the underparts of his eyes, covered in fluffy fur, were wet. He'd been crying. That just set me off.

We all sat their bawling, trying to control our fears of the volcano. Cherokee was flipping out in my arms so I sat up and let him loose. A big rock came hurdling at me and struck me in the head. Then I woke up.

---- the end ----

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