Chapter 17

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Harry P.O.V.

Today is Friday, which means I have to see Justin. Great. I looked over at my sleeping beauty, who had a smile on his face. I pushed him, to wake him up.

"I don't want to go, Harry. Please don't make me."

"Says the teacher to the student." I mumble to him.

I kiss his forehead an wait for him to get up. After about ten minuets of waiting he finally opens his eyes. "Morning cutie." He whispered to me as he gets off the bed. I stand up and wince. I take a deep breath and step forward, pain shooting up my spine.

A tear falls down my face. Either way I will have I get over the pain. I slipped on my clothes and sit back down on the bed. I didn't even want to attempt the stairs right now. "Hazza why art you downstairs yet? Are you okay?" He says walking Into the room.

I nod and look down. "Are you okay. Do you hurt from last night. If so I'm so sorry.

"Erm it's not your fault do my first time it felt amazing I promise."

"Oh god it was your first time!" "It was perfect I promise, only because it was with you."

He nods and sits down by me, kissing me on the lips.

"Want me to carry you down the stairs?" He ask sweetly. "Yes please." Thank go I don't have upstair classes. We reach the car after me walking very slowly. "Can I please jut not go today call in sick for you too an we stay here. Please." He sighed knowing which choice was right and which one was wrong.

"Fine, only because I love you." I smiled walking slowly back to the house with a giggling Louis in the background. I changed back into my pjs an climbed into the bed.

Louis smirked as he climbed back into our bed.

"You know I love you right."

"I indeed know this." I whispered.

"Good." He stated simply. With his morning voice.

"Hey let's go get ice cream." I said while we where watching transformers.

He nodded and went to go get ready.

Along with me.

***** ice cream store****

I had just finished my ice cream and wanted to go wash my hands. Only thing stopping me was Louis.

"Hey babe can I go wash my hands?" He nodded and let go of my sticky hands.

Since I was walking to the bathroom I didn't see the people come into the store.

"Hey lads i'll be right back got to go pee." I heard a voice say. I shrugged it off and kept walking toward the bathroom. Right before I got to the restroom, I was pushed against the wall. Then felt unfamiliar lips in mine. I tried shoving them off. Me being me and with my body hurting like it does it was pointless.

"Get off of him now Justin."

I heard Louis say.

"Mr. Tomlinson, but he's my boyfriend I'm allowed to kiss my boyfriend aren't I?" "Your not-" I it cut off by him digging his nails into my cuts. "Fucking bastard!" I screamed out and punched him with my other hand.

"I am not your boyfriend, Justin I have a boyfriend that I very much love. Thank you very much." I said To him then realized what I said.

"Haha you have a boyfriend, who is it Mr. Tomlinson?" I gave my boo-bear a sorry look before talking. "Ew god no he's a family friend And my teacher. No his name is Luke."

"Also is against the law to date your students Justin." ( Hanna will get the law and Justin thing)

Louis said to him before walking out the store, me following him.

Silence filled the car, as he drove us home.

"I'm sorry you know I love you right."


"Louis. Please talk to me."

A shook of the head sting no

"Fine, I'm going home. Bye."

A nod saying bye.

With that I ran upstairs grabbed all my belongings and walked home trying to forget. My stupid teacher I call my boyfriend.

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