Meeting friends

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After walking around the place they bump into garoth and laurance

Alyanna- garoth laurance
Arissa- no way
Abby- oh my god
Charlagan- this is cool
Garoth- sorry kids wait your not from this village
Laurance- ya where are you from
Alyanna- we are not from any where a portal appeared in our realm and we got sucked in
Arissa- we did
Garoth- laurance we have to go to Zoe and apmau
Laurance- i agree

Laurance and garoth takes the girls to aphmaus place

Alyanna- aphmau
Aphmau- how do you know my name
Alyanna- i came from a realm where we know you
Aphmau- oh
Alyanna-these are my friends abby charlagan and my cousin arissa
Arissa- hi
Abby- hi
Aphmau- hello

Zoe gets to aphmaus home and asks the girls some questions

Zoe- so let me get this strait a portal appeared in your world and you got sucked in am I correct
Arissa- yes you are
Abby- can we meet your babys
Aphmau- sure

The girls goes to the other kids to play while garoth ,aphmau ,laurance ,and Zoe talk

Laurance- should we trust those kids
Aphmau- well maybe their just kids after all how would some kids harm us
Garoth- we should talk about this on a different day
Zoe- my question is where are they going to sleep after all we can't just let them sleep outside
Aphmau- they will sleep at my house

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