Seven: My name is Elias

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"Alright, perfect." Flash
"Good, good." Flash.
"Scoot to your left a bit." Flash.
Click. Flash. Flash. Flash.

It was about that time. My head was beginning to hurt and I wanted nothing more than to lie down on my balcony floor. I could just imagine the cold, hard feel of it beneath my body. Way better than the bed.

"Don't move. Keep that pose. There we go."
The surprising presence of my dear friend and photographer, Ari Rosenthal, nearly made me forget the reason we were here in the first place. But as soon I got used to the sound of the camera clicks, gradually, my headache returned. I had only been here an hour and I was damn near ready to face plant on the ground and sleep.

I was so tired. I felt a yawn coming and it just wouldn't stay down. It was physically impossible; I don't know why I even tried.

"Alright, that's enough for know," was what he said in response to my yawn, setting the large camera down on the platform next to him. Wiping his palms on the sides of his dark roughed-up jeans, he looked around at the crew members before clapping his hands together.

"Get ready to bring in the next set!"

  The crew quickened their pace, their voices falling into an indistinguishable hum from the number of people talking through their headsets.

From my perch on top of the white platform provided for me, I watched blankly as Ari barked a few orders to the people from make-up and wardrobe before turning in the direction of me and my partner.

"Jaslene, doll, go and change for the next set. Please keep in mind that you don't actually have to memorize the script. It's just a little outline of what is supposed to be going on during the shoot."

This was another large surprise from Raymond. From the looks of things, I guess he really did feel bad by the weird hours he had us working lately. The second surprise he hand for us was extremely "good-looking" supermodels that were supposed to be playing our leading ladies for Ari's photo session.

According to him, they were well known among the fashion community and, from overhearing the make-up artists' conversations, it seemed that these models were in high demand. The best of the best.

Jumping down from the platform, I walked in the direction of the wardrobe area to change into the clothes they had laid out for me.  I had no idea where the rest of the group was and I wasn't sure I really cared. Walking, I noticed Ari and some other crew members talking on the sidelines about only God knows what. Near them sat Raymond in the large bean bag chairs provided for one of the sets we were going to shoot in. I squinted my eyes a bit on his face.

He was asleep.

I shook my head.

After dressing, I ran though the process of the girls fixing my hair and make-up—I don't think I've ever had so much gel and sticky stuff on my face before—then I made my way past the cameras and onto the new set.

This one was completely different from the first set. While the first one was so futuristic and mechanical, this new one was homely, definitely one that girls would dream of being in. My white platform was transformed into a large stone pillar with vines circling it and I was surrounded by very real-looking grass and flowers.

Just as I was about to climb it, I heard her voice before I felt her hand touch my shoulder.

"Elijah," she attempted to purr.

I sighed mentally. My name is Elias.

Ignoring her mistake, I turned around and waited for her to say what she wanted to say. Her eyes were squinted as she looked at me from under her black bangs.

Jaslene Marisol seemed like a ditsy girl, but I knew she was a genius compared to the other two models that were here.

Jaslene's nasty attitude towards the staff members, inability to show up to work on time, and the number of men she had messed over all summed up her personality. It was hard to believe someone so alluring would be capable of such turmoil.

Her crimson, plump lips set in a small smile. I couldn't help but to return it with one of my own, I didn't want to be rude.

She was very easy on the eyes, though.

Seeing them trained on her lips, her smile grew more. "Would you like to come with us after this? There's a party going on in the French Quarter."

The foreign accent was prominent in her voice. Her dainty, russet hand began to trace small circles on over the fabric on my shoulder and down my arm.
It was obvious she wanted something else. I broke my gaze from hers for a second to watch as her fingers molested my muscles. Her light hazel eyes bore into mine as she took a step closer to me.

I kept my eyes on her face, but it seemed like she definitely knew what she was doing.

"I don't think I can make it tonight." I said slowly. Confusion clouded her eyes as she tilted her head to the side trying to look innocent.
"You do not want to go?"

Shaking my head, "It's not that..." I tried to let her down easy, considering I still had a few hours left to work with her.
Not only did I not want to go to a party this early in the morning, I definitely didn't want to go with her. She was beautiful, but she knew that all too well.
"We do not have to go to the Quarter. We can stay somewhere quiet? Alone." She blew her breath in my face.

As her surprisingly model-thin, wiry hands tried to caress my muscles and chest, I looked down for a moment.

The distance between my body and her small frame was uncomfortably small, borderline scandalous. If the press were here, they'd be making up all kinds of stories and explanations for our position.

My head cleared the moment I felt those bony fingers heading down my side for my hand. She barely grazed the bruised part of my side before I reacted, but I could feel small stings from where she did touch.

In one swift motion, I gripped her hand firmly in my own and pulled my body away; including the side of my body she was leaning slightly on.

She let out small surprised cry. I'd made her lose her balance.

"I've got you."
In the split second I pulled away I caused her to loose her balance in her stilettos. Quickly, to save her from toppling on her ass, I gripped her shoulders until she seemed to regain her balance. Then, slowly this time, my body moved away again. Her eyes held a bit of resentment. She was irritated.

Good, I thought to myself. That was good.

"Listen, Jaslene. I am not interested in you," I said point-blank. My face was serious as I looked at her now twisted up expression.

  "Sorry about that." I gestured to the distance of our bodies, referring to what just happened. Turning my back to her without a second glance, I climbed up my perch.  The gaze boring into my back as I climbed was full of rage.

                But, I really couldn't find anything in me that gave a fu—

"Alright, smile for me now, Jaslene. What's with that ugly expression?" Ari called out, his large camera in his hand, the strap around his neck.

Flash. Flash. Click. Click.

I adjusted my pose a bit.  


I just wanted to go to sleep.

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