Three: Time to Reply

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We'll see.
When you knock on my door,
Do you know what it's like
Knowing you follow me home.
I can't keep a thing to myself.
So I can't help but say,
Stay, stay away from them,
Away from me.
-- Elias Wren of Confucian

As the melody and his alluring voice faded away, I slowly began to descend from my high. His voice was like a cool breeze on a hot humid day, that one ray of sunshine on a cold winter day.  Everything was perfect - his deep, sand-paper voice, the hard riffs, the bittersweet melody, and the words.

No words could describe how much I related to Elias's words.
I took off the headphones.

"What do ya think?"

Reality finally making its presence known, I slid open my eyes and met the smug and slightly amused gaze of my dearest cousin Trish,  who sat across from me cross-legged in the middle of the bed.

Sighing, I rested my head on the back of the headboard, a small blush creeping onto my face.  I shook my head silently, thinking back to what I had just heard.

"I knew you'd like it," she smacked on her gum, leaning forward. "And guess what." She adjusted her position, her bed rocking and creaking with her movements. "I just got news today at school that the group is meeting down south for a show." Her smile was as big as mine felt.

"Are you sure?" I asked, furrowing my brow. She nodded, rolling her almond brown eyes as if to say I asked a stupid question.

"Of course I'm sure, Sienna. Caroline and her confused friends filled us in."

I nodded at her, an 'o' shape forming on my mouth.

Caroline Staubs and some of her 'Confused' friends were the queens of the Confucian fanclub. They knew everything single detail of Confucian's schedule every single minute of the day using the divide and conquer method.

Every girl in Chelsea's group kept track of one member of the group. Miliscent had tabs on Daniel Blake, the guitarist and secondary vocalist. Keisha tracked Cade Blue, the bassist. Lindsay traced Arthur Blue, the drummer and Cade's brother, with Chelsea finally reaching home with Elias Wrenn, the lead singer and songwriter.

Trish told me that they finally earned the name 'Confused' in honor of their frighteningly accurate info of the group.

It was slightly disturbing in my opinion, but I didn't know Chelsea personally, so I didn't have the heart to assume what state of mentality she was in.

The idea of Confucian visiting the culturally isolated state of Louisiana made me both excited and slightly afraid.
There were so many Confucian fan girls in the area that I wasn't too sure whether or not I could or would even ask my parents for permission to go.

My parents...

I groaned out loud, effectively distracting Trish from whatever she was looking at on her laptop. Glancing in my direction, her eyes held a look of genuine concern.
"Did you forget something?"

Managing a small smile, I shook my head and forced my eyes towards the ceiling, studying the small white pebbles.

Turning her attention back to her computer, I heard her mutter something about the confusion getting to me too and I couldn't help but crack a genuine smile.
Her corniness was so infectious.

I ripped my eyes away from the ceiling and landed on her, sitting indian-style in front of her laptop a few feet away. Her soft, arched brows were furrowed in concentration as her teeth devoured the lower corner of her bottom lip.

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