Taming the Prince

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"You need to learn some responsibility son! When you take the throne you can't be doing all the things you are doing now! What kind of message will that send to our people?" My father has been yelling at me for the last hour but honestly I don't give a shit.

"What's the big deal father I went out with some of my mates." I respond

"The big deal is the fact that you got drunk, and the media saw you out of control!"

He had a point there.

"Honestly father your blowing this way out of proportion."

"Son you leave us no choice. We have given you chances to learn responsibility but you never learn. We're sending you to America."

That's not bad, a mini vacation.

"With no money, you will work and pay for your own expenses."

He has got to be kidding me right? That's simply idiotic. Ha me working! Not a chance!" Funny joke father, but I have things to do." I stand up ready to walk away

"This is not a joke Andre, you will leave tomorrow, so start packing."

I stood there gaping at my father."B-but Father!"

"No buts go pack."

My father dismissed me from his office. I had really done it now. I was being shipped to America.

On my way to my room I saw my best mate Marco, " I heard you being shipped away mate."

Had he known before me? "How did you find out?"

"Everyone knows."

We had reached my room, "Hm, well I hope you know your coming with me, and we leave tomorrow, so you better get packing."

Marco stops dead in his tracks, "Are you serious Andre? Your not fucking with me are you?"

"Mate who else would I take Ricco? Fuck that. Go pack." Marco really thought I would take my cousin! Ha that bastard has been trying to steel my crown since we were born.

I walked into my room and saw that I had 4 suit cases ready for me to fill up with my junk.

I had packed all night and withdrawald enough money to last me a month or two so I won't have to work right away.

Marco met me at the jet that would take us to America. I got to ride with my beloved parents.

Once we got to the jet my father started to explain the logistics of our trip to America. "You will both live in a Typical American house in which you'll share. You only get one car so if you crash it," My father directs that comment to me with a pointed look, " You'll have to pay for damages with your own money that you will earn by working where ever you please. But remember if you want water, electricity, gas or Internet, you will have to pay for it."

My mum speaks up for the first time, "Both of you will also be attending a public high school to finish your senior year, so we expect straight A's from you both." My mom has always treated Marco as an other son and Marco thinks of them as second parents.

"Mum what city are you sending us to?" I ask

"We'll send you Los Angles."

Marco and I give each other victorious glances. We were going to cause havoc in L.A.

"Oh I forgot both of you must keep these with you at all times, and we will pay for these." My mum says handing both Marco and I an iPhone 5.

"Remember you guys don't tell anyone who you are. You may use your names, but nothing about royals. Got it?" My dad asks us sternly

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