More parting

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Thank you for the cover TaliaYongGuk !

*Jackie's POV*

By the time everyone woke up it was five in the afternoon. Yup like every Saturday. This was practically a tradition between all of us.

Friday- chill out and hang at my house

Saturday-party at my house

Sunday- go out and hang out somewhere else that isn't my house.

If you don't see the pattern I'll explain. We all basically hang at my house all the time. It's just that my house has everything that we would want. Alcohol too.

"Who's up for pizza?!" Eric asks enthusiastically

All the guys start agreeing with Eric but its obvious that me and all the other girls weren't in the mood for pizza.

"I want chines food." I pout

All the girls start to agree with me

Mason stands up and waves his hands" Okay how about this the guys get pizza and you girls get chines . That makes everyone happy right?"

Every one nodes in agreement, I stand up"Okay everyone knows the drill."

We all stand up and walk toward the front of my drive way and we all form a line getting ready to run.

Every time we buy food we have a race to see who will pay. The last one to the roof pays.

"Every one ready?" I ask

Everyone cheers signally that there ready

"One. Two. Three go!"

We all start running into the house while pushing and shoving one another

I ran as fast as I could elbowing many of my friends

"Hey no elbows!" Screams Macy

I laugh"I do what I want!"

Finally reaching the top floor I run into the bathroom and climb up the window and hoist myself up and when I do I see Jackson and Oliver already there.

I walk over to them and hug them "I guess we won't be paying."

There were many ways to get up to the roof one through the bathroom. You can climb the windows all through the side of the house like Jackson and Oliver did or you can go through the attic or the game room balcony.

A couple of seconds later everyone else started to show up.

Lastly Ali makes her way over to us.

We all laugh at her as she walks over to me and hands me her credit card.

I accept it and we all start to get off the roof and we make our way to the living room.

I clap my hands to get everyone's attention "Mk you guys set up the living room get the booze and light it up while us girls go get the food alright? And break!"

All of the girls start walking to the big SUV and we pile in.

We drive to little caesars and get seven pizzas. The workers stared at me like I was a lunatic. Seven pizzas weren't that much. We're they?

We then make our way to Panda Express and we get big party trays of everything they had. Once again we were being stared at like we were fat asses

Once we got home we could hear the loud music from inside my house. You could see lights flashing all around each a different color.

We all got out of the car each of us either caring pizza boxes or a tray of Chinese food.

We walked in and saw that all my furniture was taken out if the living room, leaving a big space for us to dance in.

"We bring food!" Sings Ali while walking towards her boyfriend a giving him a kiss

We set the food down on the tables that were lining the wall.

As soon as we set the food down all the boys charged at us.

"No my boys go get some plates first." I said as I blocked the food

All the boys faces fell. They all looked like little kids who were told there favorite toy was broken. Big confused and sad eyes with a pout on there face. I think I even saw some lips quivering!

Boys and food!

"Don't worry guys I come baring plates and napkins!" Mason says as he caries a stack of plates and a roll of paper towels.

I wait till all the boys have plates and then I quickly get out of the way so I wouldn't be crushed by all the hungry boys.

After all thirteen of us had a plate of food and a beer in our hands we all sit around my huge living room eating talking and listening to music that was playing through the speakers that were integrated all through the walls in the house.

"So did you see the new neighbors yet Jackie?" Asks Macy

"You have new neighbors?" Eric questions

I nod my head"Yeah I guess I have new neighbors across the street, and to answer your question Macy i'think I saw them."

Macy narrows her eyes at me and shoves more chow mien into her mouth,in a very lady like fashion,please note the sarcasm there,"What do you mean you think you saw them?"

Shrugging I place a small amount of of shrimp in my mouth and chew my food before I say"We'll before we started the Bon fire I saw a car pull up to the house and I saw two guys come out of the car. They took suite case out of the car and that's the last I saw."

"We're they hot?" Nicole asks

"I you consider forty year old guys with beer bellies hot then yes they were hot, but I never pegged you as a girl who likes old guys Nic." I say jokingly

She blushes and shakes her head franticly

I laugh at her reaction along with everyone else "Im kidding Nicole, but yes there hot, and I think they were or age or something."

"I guess we'll find out Monday at school."says Oliver


*Andre's POV*

"Oi mate watcha lookin at? You've been there almost all day." Marco says to me as he walks by with a sandwich in his hands

I turn my attention back to the house across the street,"Look mate these people have been parting since yesterday and there at it again. Earlier they all came out and ran up to the roof it was insane! Two guys climbed all the windows until they reached the roof. Then a bunch of girls left in a SUV and when they came back they were caring a hole shit load of food."

"Mate I hate to break it to you but you sound like a creep."

"Oi I know."

"On the bright side theses kids might go to the school we have to go to."

I groan "Thanks for reminding me about school you idiot."

"Oi its my job to keep you on the straight path mate. You don't want Ricco to get the crown do you?"

"Way to be a downer. Ass." I mutter as I keep looking at the house across the street there part still going on even though it was already late.


New chapter for you my lovelies and thanks for reading!! It means the world to me!!




Peace and love babes


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2013 ⏰

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