
"What's all this shit on ha lips?"

"Lipgloss." I mumbled not really wanting to speak to him.

He aggressively wiped all of the lipgloss off of her lips. I immediately punched him in the arm.

"Don't you ever touch my daughta again, I will off ya with no hesitation." I spoke with so much venom in my voice.

He smirked which only made me angrier. "That's tha Nyla I know. Keep talkin like that I might have ta pipe ya." He spoke cockily.

I rolled my eyes ignoring what he said.

I applied some more pink lipgloss on Koda's lips and kissed her forehead.

"Be good for ya daddy okay?"

She nodded making her big afro of curls sway. "Okay mommy." She cheesed in my face.

I playfully pushed her and grabbed my bag and walked out of the door.

I've been working as a health teacher at the highschool that I graduated from. It wasn't something that I would've seen myself doing but it was something to do that could hide what I was doing.

I walked into my class full of kids. They were all socializing and being their loud obnoxious selves.

I sat my things down behind my desk and waited patiently for them to be quiet.

Once there was less noise I began to speak.

"GoodMornin Seniors."

A bunch of GoodMornings flowed through the room.

"Today we gon have a discussion about sexuality. When I say sexuality I mean like if ya gay, straight, bisexual, etc. So errybody put tha chairs in a circle." I demanded.

I don't know why but students seem to love me at this school. They give me the same amount of respect that I give them. I have students that come to me and talk about everything.

Once all of the chairs were in a circle I decided that I would start the discussion.

"Okay so we gon go around and state our sexuality and what made ya that way. If ya don't wanna participate it's Ight because some people might be embarrassed or maybe its a touchy subject fa them. Okay? Okay. Who wanna start?"

Nobody raised their hands and everyone was just quiet. Its funny how when I want them to be quiet they talk alot but when I want them to talk they just as quiet as a church mouse. "Okay don't you all speak at once." I sarcastically said causing some chuckles to flow through the room.

"Well I'll start off then." I said pointing to myself. "Im gon be one hunnit with yall. Im bisexual and I think that the things that happened ta me in tha past made me this way. I never actually thought of girls when I was yall age but things happen I guess." I shrugged.

"What happened ta ya in tha past Ms. N?" Jason, one of the class clowns asked.

I smirked letting my mind immediately go to August. He's the reason that I feel like I should get affection from the opposite gender because he made me think that all men are going to do the same shit he did.

"Another story fa anotha time baybeh." I mumbled.

Everyone was still quiet. I sighed loudly becoming frustrated. "Okay Howa'bout we just talk about sumthin else taday?"

There was claps and roars around the class. I rolled my eyes at them and told them to all sit at a desk.

I went to my purse and seen that I had 2 missed text from August.

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