Chapter Sixteen: That one scene I was talking about earlier...

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So, this is mostly for the benifet of Greenleaf and myself, but the reast of you are welcome to fangirl too.

- Written by Rose

     “Hey Emi…oh, I see the way it is…ha, ha, ha!”

     I wake up with a jerk at the voice. I shift closer to Crow, blinking my way awake. My eyes go fully open when I recognize laughter.

     “Come on then,” A familiar voice says. “Let’s see you two lovebirds. Come out from under that blanket.”

     I look at Crow. I can see that he is just as surprised and panicked as I am. Well, maybe not as panicked, but worried either way.

     “Come on, I know you’re up. Actually, I might want to get a camera before you tear yourselves from each other’s arms,” Stone says, laughing.

     I quickly sit up, and I try to will myself to stop blushing as I glare at Crow’s brother. He smiles at me and winks. I glare harder. “Stone, you have about five and a half seconds to get out of this tent before I —”

     “And here’s the man of the hour!” he says interrupting me. “Nice one, little bro.”

      I glance at Crow, now sitting up, his hair sticking straight in the air. “Come on Stone,’ He says. “It’s not like you haven’t done the same thing.”

     “It’s not like you haven’t either,’ He laughs. “I just never expected you to do it with her. It explains why you’ve still got your clothes on though.”

     I struggle not to stammer, and grip my nose tightly to make sure it doesn’t light on fire. “Please just go,” I say, sounding rather whiny.

     “Not until you tell me how long this has been going on,” He says, settling himself on one of my packs.

     “We got together back at the school, and we didn’t start sharing a bed until a few weeks ago.”

     I glare at Crow, suddenly wishing that he hadn’t answered the question.

     “That long, huh?”

     “No, not ‘that long’,” I snap. “And could you please just go away?”

     “All right then,” He says, grinning from ear to ear. “Suppose I’ll have to go share the news with the rest of the camp.” He grins, ducking out of the tent before I can stop him. I glare after him, but eventually my anger just fades into dread.

     “This isn’t happening,” I groan, falling back on the blankets.

     “They would have figured it out anyway,” Crow says, lying down next to me.

     “That doesn’t change the fact that this is going to be the worst day of my life,” I mumble into the pillow I put over my face.

     “Surly you’ve had worse days than this,” he says, pulling me closer to him.

     I glare at him from under the pillow. “If you try anything, anything at all, I just might kill you.”

     “I know,” He says, and gives a wicked grin.

     I quickly sit up, recognizing the look on his face. “Talon, I swear I am going to --”

     But then I can’t talk anymore, because he is tickling me to the point where I can hardly breathe. When he finally stops I have to take a few minutes to get my breath back before I can finally speak.

     “You,” I say, trying to get my breath back. “Are the worst — person – ever.”

     “Yeah,” Crow says. “But that’s why you love me.”

     I look at him flatly.

     “Admit it, it’s true.”

     “You just keep thinking that,” I say dryly.

     “Easy to think about things that are true,” He smiles.

     “Oh, be quiet,” I snap.

     “Whatever you say.” He sits in silence for a few moments before he brings up what I’ve been dreading. “You know, we can’t just stay in here all day. They’ll come looking for us eventually.”

     “I know,” I sigh. “I just wanted to prolong it as long as I could.”

     “Well, let’s not prolong any longer,” He says, standing up and taking my hand, forcing me to rise with him.

     “Breakfast is going to be really interesting,” I say, and follow him as he leaves the tent.

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