no. 31: More Than Words

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It was the morning after everything.
I look at myself.
I look like a piece of trash.
And Kevin thought I was a piece of trash.
It made me upset even thinking about it.
But I was determined to continue on with life.
I went into my closet to find  something to wear, and then I realized...
Oh yeah. Chris wanted me to wear pajamas.
So I just shrugged and brushed my hair.

I was lost.
And as in lost, I could not find Ocean Avenue to save my life.
And then I saw it.
Well, almost. It was Ocean Street.
I went down Ocean Street, and looked for a coffee place.
The closest I got to that was a bakery called Desmond's.
This was not it.
Yeah, I had told Chris that I knew where he was talking about, but I had lied.
Thank God I had left an hour early.
I decided to pull in the parking lot of Desmond's and call Chris.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Aye,you have reached Chris-
"Hello?" he answered groggly.
"Arch...I lied." I start.
Shit, Hollis, can't you start with a hello?
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Where's Ocean Avenue?" I ask. "I saw an Ocean Street, but-"
"Hollis, Ocean Avenue is in St. Petersburg."
"From where you are, it should take about 25 minutes. I won't blame you if you're a little late. You haven't been through St. Pete in a while."
"Okay, I will find it. Bye." I hang up.
I turn around, hoping that the ferry wouldn't cost me much.

Turns out, it was free. Apparently, my nice charm impressed the guy, and he let me in free. He actually looked familiar; I wondered if he went to TBHS.
St. Petersburg was very nice, but it wasn't as big as Tampa.
I quickly found Ocean Avenue, the street ended up being one of the first streets as you entered St. Pete.
Ocean Ave. was very nice, with palm trees and pastel colored buildings.
I found the coffee shop. It looked like a nice Starbucks.
I didn't see Chris' car, so I sat and waited.
State Champs' Prepared To Be Noticed  popped up on my Spotify playlist, so I jammed out to that.

8:45 AM
Ten Spotify songs later, I finally decide to get out and get me and Chris a table.
As I walk in, tranquil coffee shop music played in the background.
I go towards the counter.
"Hi!" A girl looks at me. I notice her name was Samantha. "Can I help you?"
"Yes," I look at the chalkboard menu, "can I have a grande-I mean, medium French vanilla cappuccino?"
"Absolutely." She looks at me. "By the way, I love your pajamas!"
Samantha was quick to get my cappuccino; a few minutes after I got it, Chris shows up.
"Hey!" He runs over and hugs me.  "You wore pajamas! Girl," He pointed to my Things 1 & 2 pajamas,  "you sure don't disappoint."
"Yours don't, either." I laugh at his pajamas. It looks like the Rays' mascot, Raymond.

Eventually,  me and Chris found ourselves at a table sipping coffee happily.
"What do you think?" Chris looked at me as I intensely sip my coffee.
"Great." I nod. "I should come more often."
Samantha comes over to our table.
" Do ya'll go to Seminole?" She looked us over. "Ya'll look familiar."
"Tampa Bay, actually." Chris nods. "I'm a pitcher on their baseball team." "I'm just a supportive friend." I smile.
Samantha was writing down something on paper.
"Here's my number."
I would love to become friends, ya'll seem cool.
Samantha Hinchman,  (813)-xxx-xxxx.
"Cool. Thanks, Samantha." I grin at her.
"Any time." She grinned, and went to go help another customer.
Chris looked at me.
"We can't hold this off any longer, Hol."
I was confused. "What?"
"We need to talk about you and Kevin."
"Right." I nod at Chris.
I knew it was coming, so I took a deep breath.
Time to get serious.
"Okay," I look at Chris, "what do you want to talk about?"
"Just talk."
"Kevin, behind my back, hooked up with Nora. He drove off, leaving me in the Columbia's parking lot. He wasn't like this. He would never do this. After Mike, I thought I would never love again. But Kevin proved me wrong...and then right."
Chris got up and sat next to me.
Extreme's More Than Words came on over the intercom.
"I don't want to be in another relationship, Chris." I start to cry. "This is going to happen to me again and again and-"
Chris swept away my tears.
"What if one kiss changed your mind?"
He then comes close, finally kissing me.
                  More than words
                 Is all you have to do
                    To make it real
It was soft and sweet, and after a few seconds, he hugged me.
"Hollis, I've been waiting to do that for 6 months now."

Hey guys!  Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Today (12.18.15) was my last day at school, and I had a lot of finals, so I didn't have time.
But I have two weeks off, and I'll try to update more often!
Love always,

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