A Trip to the White House

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This is my first fanfiction, it starts slow, but it does get better half way through, just be patient.

Rachel's POV:

Most 10th graders look forward to their field trip to the White House. Well not me.

When your father is Joshua Lyman Chief of Staff and your mother is Donna Lyman Chief of Staff for the First Lady the White House becomes a second home.

My parents love politics, and have worked at the White House many times. The 1st time that my parents worked for the White House was when my Grandfather Jeb Bartlet (who is not really my grandfather)was president. My mother and father met because of politics and have been a team ever since. I memorized the Constitution before I read Charlotte's Web (against my mother's likening) and I love spending time in my parents offices or with their secretaries when I go to the White House. There is always so much going on you can never be board.

My aunt CJ and Aunt Ainsley love to tell me stories of my parents in their early White House days; back when my mother was his secretary. Apparently the rest of the world knew my parents should get together before they realized themselves. CJ talks about their playful banter, there half said lauguage, how my dad gets riled up and mom is the only one that can bring him back to earth and so much more. The joke is I could totally believe the stories because they still act the same and that is why my dad could not know that my school was coming to the White House. I do not want my dad to make a scene.

If my Dad knew I was coming to the White House he would insist on giving the tour and embarrassing me, because that is just what parents do. Then he would convince Uncle Sam to come and talk to the group when there is so many more important things for the President of the United States of America to do than to talk to his God-Daughters class. And this is why I only told Mom.

Sam's POV:

Here I am in Senior staff, even after 6 months of being President; it is weird to be the one listening and not doing the talking. Josh sometimes gets annoyed with me because I try to write my own speeches against his better judgment and of course he is right. Working in the White House reminds me of the days of the Bartlet administration, Toby is still the Chief of Communications, and Danny is my Press secretary, CJ is my Deputy Chief of Staff and Josh is my Chief of Staff. President Bartlet always said the best way to pick your Chief of Staff was to give the position to your best friend who is smarter than you who you trust with your life and only Josh fits that Bill.

Today so far has been the quietest day I have ever had working in the White House, no one's attacked America there is no country threatening another country, the Board of the Post Office doesn't even have a controversial stamp they want us to approve of. Too bad Ainsley is in New York promoting education, I can tell that we are going to have little today and I would love to spend my time off with my family. Maybe Jay will have little homework today, we might be able to see a movie or play catch like we did before I was President. I was brought back into reality when I hear Josh say "Sir, there is not much going on today and I know how much you liked being with the people when we were on our campaign trail, why not go sit in the Roosevelt Room and meet the tours as they go through."

"Wow, Josh that is probably one of the lest stupid ideas you have had in a long time." said a really surprised CJ.

"Ok, I will be in the Roosevelt Room, Josh come and get me if anything goes wrong. You are all dismissed." After a chorus of Thank you Mr. President's they exit my office. Once I leave the oval office I realize that I am a little nervous, I do not want to mess up and make anyone's trip to the White House miserable. Josh must of sensed my uneasiness because he said "Sam you will do fine" when I walk past him in the hall. When I got to the Roosevelt Room I settle in a chair and wait for the first group to come in.

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