1) Merry Christmas, Alexander.

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Merry Christmas, Alexander. ___________________

"Amy! Your going to be late! The dance starts in fifteen minutes!" My mom yells up to me. I twirl once more in the mirror. This dance will be perfect. Especially since Felicity, my best friend, is on the Winter Wonderland dance committee.

"Coming!" I grab my phone and my ticket, sliding them into a red purse for safe keeping. Everything is all decked out for Christmas. Holly and pine hanging from the banister on the stairs, a Christmas tree center in the living room.

"I love your dress, dear," Grandma says from the recliner chair from the living room. I smile at her in her winter Pajamas and look at my mom.

"Let's go," I say and smile. I didn't make any plans to go with anyone, so I didn't have to depend on them being there, which I thought was a good idea. Mom grabs the car keys and we walk out to the car. I open the door to the pass her side and sit down. The car is a freezing nightmare, even if it isn't even Christmas break yet. We still have one more week, sadly.

  Mom starts the car and backs out of the driveway, pulling onto the icy road.

"Turn the heat up. I'm freezing," I mumble, talking to no one; because I do it myself.

"So, are you exited? Meeting cute boys? Dancing?"

"Mom!" I say in the most teenager daughter- like way.

"Aww you know I'm just teasing," she says with a smile. I smile back at her and let my head hit the cold, clear glass.

I really wish mom would drive faster.

  Once we pull into the school parking lot, multiple cars are there too, the parking lot is packed.

"Felicity must have done a good job," mom says, stopping the car and opening her door.

"No mom. You are not coming in," I say and look her dead straight into the eye.

"Okay. Fine, I understand. Have fun!" She says with the same smile she had a minute ago. I wave to her from the sidewalk and wait for her to pull away. I walk towards the ticket stand, purse in hand.

"Ticket please," the blonde boy  asks. I smile and open my purse. I search for s little while, until I notice that I'm holding up a line.

"Never mind. I must have lost it," I say and step out of line.

"What are you doing here of all places?" A voice says from behind me. I turn around, meeting face to face with Alexander Washington.

"Well, I was trying to get in, but I somehow lost my ticket and here I am. All sad and alone outside of the dance," I say and laugh sadly.

"That's unfortunate," he says. I expect him to leave and walk into the dance, but he doesn't.

"What are you waiting for? Go enjoy yourself," I say.

"Sure. But first, I need to show you something," he says and grabs my hand.

"Hold on," I say. "I have no idea who you are and what you're taking me to go and see. I can't just leave."

"Oh yeah. Right," He says and thinks for a moment. "How about I tell you about myself along the way?"

"I don't understand what's so important," I say, crossing my arms.

"You'll see."


"The park." Alexander says and we walk though the cold winter air into the park in the middle of the town.

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