3) #Littledurmmerboy

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"Carson! The list's posted!" My best friend, Morgan, yells from the other end of the hallway. I slam my locker closed and sprint down to the hallway to where it shows the list of who got what grade. Band is the only subject where I don't have a terrible grade in and I'm pretty darn good at it.

Kirsten copper- 100
Justin Fellini- 100
Morgan Jhonson- 100
Adam Wilson- 100
Troy Funn- 100
Ell sandier- 98
Carmen Ann- 90
Spencer Carr- 95
Robert Dillon- 89
Joseph DeLini- 80
Carson McAdams- 60

"What? I made a 60? In band?" I say, surprised.

"Well, they're the before winter break tests. You'll do better next time," Morgan tells me.

"I've never failed anything in band. Ever," I tell Morgan. Not like she doesn't know that already.

"I know, I know. But we all screw up sometimes," Morgan says, trying to comfort me.

"Not me. Not in band I don't," I say. "Something's wrong. And we have to fix it."

"Carson. You're going crazy. Take a chill pill and calm down. It's not that big of a deal," Morgan says and pats my back.

"That's easy for you to say. You made an 100," I say to her, laughing a little.

"Carson. You've known me long enough to know that I never make an 100 in Band. Never ever," Morgan reminds me. I shrug, considering the thought. I know that she hasn't ever made an 100, but it didn't want to admit that she was right. Even though we both knew she was.

"But could you help me? Please?" I get down on my knees and plead.

"When? There's no time. Christmas break starts tomorrow," Morgan says.

"How about during break," I offer.

"You've gone of the deep end Hun," she gets up and shoves her hands into her pockets.

"Please? I am begging you. I'll be your best friend?" I say.

"You already are, idiot."


"Alright," Morgan says. She swings the duffle bag over her shoulder and pulls her beanie down on her head. I specifically asked her to wear all black, and she obeyed. But, she also brought a ton of extra stuff. "So how are we going to get in?"

"Use this stuff," I say and point to the bag.

"Okie dokie," Morgan agrees.

First things first: getting past the gate.

I grab a pair of pliers and cut the lock off the gate, then slide it back just enough for Morgan and I to her though.

"Woah!" I yell as something pulls me down to the ground. I look to my left, seeing Morgan making a shushing face by putting her index finger up to her lips. I nod my head and look where she points her finger.

Security cameras.

I open the bag and pull out spray paint, shake it a little, then spray the camera. I do that to each camera I see until I reach the principal's office. I about open the door she. Morgan swats my hand away.

What? I mouth to her. She points to the light coming from under the door. I mouth oh back and try to think of what we're going to do to get in.

Why would anyone be here? I think to myself. It's the first day of Christmas break.

Our principal mr. Taylor finally gets up from his desk and walks out into the hallway, probably to leave. But he left his office door open, and with the lights on.

Oh he's gonna come back.

I motion Morgan and I inside his office. The school grades are pulled up so, she just typed in my name and pulled it up. I turned my F into an A. I happily turned around and met face to face with none other than Mr. Taylor.

"What do you think you kids are doing in my office at this hour?" He bellows. Morgan and I look at each other, looking for excuses.

"We were- what I'm- her and I- we-" I stuttered, trying to think of a lie.

"Carson and I were just plugging in this hard drive so we could make you a Christmas PowerPoint, Mr. Taylor," Morgan replies smoothly, hard drive in hand.

"Oh, um, okay. I've never had kids do that before. Thank you," mr. Taylor says delightfully.

"No problemo, Mr. Taylor. Here. Happy holidays!" Morgan says, pushing my back to make me walk out of the room.


"I can't believe we did that," I say to Morgan. Morgan has always been the one with he backup plan. No matter what. And if that one didn't work, she had a backup plan for the backup plan. She always got away.

"Me neither. If he didn't believe that, we were gonna have to make a run for it," she says and laughs.

"So, was there anything on the hard drive?"
I ask.

"Of course. I wouldn't leave him any evidence that we came there to change your grade," Morgan says and hands me a fresh report card.

"Wow Morgan. You are a Christmas miracle," I say, breathlessly.

"I know I am, Little Drummer Boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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