March 13, 2014

26 1 1

Dear Diary,

Things with Brendon are a no go... I found out through a source that he has a girlfriend in California.. I don't understand why he would do things like that. Why do boys lead girls on? It hurts them a lot more than I know.

To make things worse I still have to deal with him and that witch everyday. At least for now. I heard rumors of her planning to break up with him for someone else. Hmm... Sounds familiar to me.

I'm not going to focus on that though. On Monday of next week I begin tutoring a classmate in Spanish. He hopes to have his grades up so he can play soccer and all I can say is he's so far behind it will take a miracle for this to work.

I have basketball right after school almost everyday so I have no idea when or where we will even be able to meet for tutoring. He said Starbucks at the target close to our school but I know he only said that because his best friend walks there all the time.

I have a gigantic mess building more and more inside my head. What am I going to do with my life?

A/N: hey readers sorry for the short choppy chapters :/ ill work on them I promise. I may not post until after the holidays due to everything going crazy so Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

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