I survived the apcaylispe, only to be brought down by a vampire hunter

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Five years ago.......

It was well past midnight, the full moon's light filtering through the branches making an ever changing pattern on the forest floor. Dead leaves crackled under the pressure of my feet. SNAP! Dang it! My foot broke a stick. The footsteps grew closer. Unfortunately, it is not an angry mob I'm running from. Now, I wish it was. It was just one person, a person who wants me to suffer from a pain worse than death, like I could die. I reach a clearing in the middle of the forest. Almost like an arena. Fitting since this is going to be my final stand. I'm cornered in one direction is what was called the Mississippi river, the other is we're HE'S coming from, the other two are blocked by busy towns, populated towns. With protection in place for creatures like me. He's getting too close, now I can't run in any direction even if I could or he'll hear me! I have to think quick.

I rushed to a tree to hide behind. Maybe climb it if situation gave me a chance. That would be a good hiding place. Everyone looks on the ground or in front of them, but few look up. He maybe intelligent but not that much. I hope. I took the chance, climbing quietly as possibly. If HE heard me, then he thought it was a wild animal. I let out a muted sigh of relief as I reached the foliage of the tree. He can't see me, and if I stay still, he won't hear me either. The staying still part was easy, comes with being a vampire.

The footsteps morphed into a voice, HIS voice. With only one simple phrase, my skin shivered, crawled more like it. It was more gentle than from cold, it was subdued terror. It's what HE does to me, only a year ago I was near royalty, now I'm a fugitive. I never really thought about the humans, poor things, working, but they are hard to suppress, hard to control.

They are an almost stupidly independent, never able to be controlled by any one person for long. Even they're old governments had to shift leaders ever few years for the county to last long. Even then people protested.

When the vampires started showing up, people were at first catatonic about the fact. The few sane people denied the fact. People when they're reality is taken away from them will either go crazy or deny it.

The vampires saw what happened to humans, felt pity for they're predicament, and chose to take over. We did what we thought was best. We were smarter,stronger, faster, and wiser. It was only a logical reason. We had a monarchy and a bit of fuetilism. The human eventually became our servants. The few that were talented, were change into us.

"Come out you little pest or just hide, the fun is always in the hunt!" HE snarled into the darkness, his head was directed in the opposite direction, so he must not be able to see me. I'm safe for now, he hasn't looked up yet. For a moment it was like he could hear my thoughts. His head snapped upward my direction and he smiled. It was the devils smile, it had to be. Humans say that we're demon spawn, that we're evil, that we must die for being what we are.

But honestly humans do more evil than vampires, the reason why everyone blames us is simple,we're different, we're an oddity, fictional in they're minds. Outsiders. Additionally when we have gone destructive, it is more of a spectacle, so is more noticed my simple human minds.

Now's the part were you say,"But you drink human blood, you murder people for FOOD!" but the truth is, we are adept to animal blood. It's like eating an everyday meal compared to a feast. The feast may be more satisfying, but you don't want that every day.

HIS growl sent the shivers down my spine and a cold sweat to breakout on my forehead. Ironic really, it's usually reversed. Traditionally I should be hunting him and acting like a predator while he cowers in fear.

" Rosabella, walkout and face me, you weak, cowardly leech, face your death" He smirked at the last word, he knew as well as I did that it wouldn't end in death, it would make me want death, beg for it even. "Come out NOW or I'm going after you, and I promise it won't be a quicker end for you"his deep,guttural voice, the voice of nightmares, the voice of someone pushed too far... maybe the voice of someone not pushed far enough.

I am not a coward, I am smart. I have to get out but how.... The tree! I would jump to the tree across the clearing that I'm in. It is higher and reaches into a deeper part of the forest. It was risky, he was only six feet away. I now have an open part of the forest to escape. I sprang on to the tree. I used my speed and agility to jump on the tree and started climbing higher up in this new tree in blinding speed.

Your asking why I find just do that in the first place. Well, using those abilities drain our energies, making us have to feed more. And I refuse to drink human blood which inhibits us to use our abilities. Humans are the most powerful blood, We the most sustaining. We are more powerful after drinking human blood. We are faster and stronger, but using our physical abilities comes with a cost, like I said earlier, we feed more and we need sustaining blood soon after and a human is only a few feet away......

No! I will not be like him, a murderer, a demon sent from Hell itself.

" You-" He started cursing someone's mother and screaming how I am a girl dog and so on.... Humans don't have the most creative mind, wordwise, on the other hand he came up with some very creative sentences using such words.

Humans are very smart in a way, they learn from mistakes, then the few gifted one's can make plans that could take down an empire, which in this case they did.

After the first decade under our rule, they learned our patterns and aversion of sunlight. They also grew in numbers, and was able to be, well, human again, to be strong again.

On the eve of the anniversary of our taking control, they attacked us in our sleep during the day, most of the humans in that attack were killed, the rest started a revolutionary group. After another five years of radom attacks, campaigns, roiting, protesting, and battles. One month before my birthday celebration, a peace treaty was made, the revolutionaries were very calm and in control, very understanding and astute. We were suspicious, but the treaty was weighted in our favor. We put more guards on patrol and watched over them very, very carefully.

After a few years we calmed our hold, we weren't humans, we were forgiving. But our mercy was our downfall. A year after we let up our hold, the humans slaughtered us. They did it slowly, little groups at a time so we won't get suspicious, they underestimated us, we sent soldiers to investigate, when they didn't return, we prepared for the worst. They expected that and laid low for awhile, and attacks continued. We are patient, we were waiting for the outright attack. But then it happened... We were taken by surprise by the sheer number, we were outnumbered, one to six, we could take them but the waste of life.

Then cam the greatest surprise, vampire rebels! They joined the revolution, traitors. They thought the rebels would spare them, only to be executed one by one.

CRACK! The branch snapped out from under me an I crashed on to the hard dirt ground, right next to him. I shouldn't be surprised, since how this days progressed.

HIS eyes gleamed with victory. He grabbed me an pinned my legs and arms with his body. He pulled a knife from a sheath attached to his hip. He brought the knife blade to my face right under my eye. The wicked blade slice through my usually iron-strong skin. The animal blood I drank earlier spilled out of the slice as he continued downwards to my jaw. The pain was unbearable, I had to bite my tongue to not scream, I would not give him the satisfaction. I struggled trying to use my strength and failed. I used too much of my blood power today and loseing blood is not helping. The blade continued to slice my cheek HE was going as slow as possible.

The blade must be made of what the rebels call holy silver. Though it was created for unholy reasons. They think we're demons sent from the devil or worse. I am not though, I am Christian, I follow the Lord, the humans haven't grasped that yet. They created holy silver so they can slaughter us.

Holy silver a metal that the rebels created that can slice our strong skin like butter.

The pain slowly growing, it was like someone was burning the side of my face from the knife blade out.

The blade reached the edge of my jawline and he remove the blade. The slice was almost too much to bear, almost...

He removed on of my arms from underneath him, and was about to slice when another person came into the scene.

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