Ch. 12 - Ultimate Hide-and-Go-Seek

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I've decided it's best to put the whole night of Tim McGraw behind us. Will is just hurting because of Daisy and Patrick and I'm missing my boyfriend.

My friendship with Will is becoming more and more important to me. I love spending time with him. We can talk about anything and it's fun. If we let a stupid almost kiss ruin our friendship, then I'd actually be upset. I like Will as a friend and don't want to lose him over this.

Two days later and we're back to normal watching cartoons at the Forbe's house. Technically, we're supposed to be babysitting the kids while Mrs. Forbes is out with friends. We kind of forced Edward to do it.

Within only a month of being in Cottonwood Falls, I've become so close to Julie, Will and Josh. Back home, I didn't have friends until Cody introduced me to mine.

"I'm bored, Josh," Julie announces four hours into tv watching.

"I second that," Will says. "Let's do something fun for once, Josh."

"Yeah, Josh, you're so lame," I join in on the teasing.

Josh shuts off the tv and jumps up from the couch. "Will is the one who told me to turn on Spongebob, okay? I'm not the lame one! Ten minutes ago, I said, 'hey, guys, do you want to play a game?' and all of you said, 'shut up, Josh!' So really, I'm the flipping victim here!"

We take turns looking at each other, all of us saying at the same time, "shut up, Josh!"

He shakes his head. "Screw you guys. I'm going to go hang out with some other people down by the lake."

"Ah, don't be a sour puss," Will says and throws his pillow at his friend. "It's storming outside anyway. Tell us what your idea of a game was."

"No," Josh argues stubbornly. "You don't appreciate me."

Oh, I appreciate you and that chiseled jawline, Josh.

"Aw, buddy. Of course we appreciate you! Now, why don't you sit down and-"

Will stops mid-sentence when the power goes out. There's a high-pitched scream from upstairs, presumably from one of the girls. I'm not too big of a fan of storms, so my heart rate is a bit unnatural.

"Hey, don't worry, guys! Stay upstairs and we'll be up there in a minute!" Julie yells to the kids upstairs.

Josh is the first to turn on his iPhone flashlight, and the rest of us follow his lead shortly after. The rain smacks against the side of the house powerfully, the wind howling in the background.

Upstairs in the hallway, the kids run to Josh and Julie, clutching on to their legs and waists. Edward runs to me, but Will is quick to shove him off and slap the back of his head.

"What about mommy?" Henry asks with wide eyes. "I want my mommy!"

"Here, buddy," Josh says with Sarah already in his arms and nudges Henry towards Will, "take your Willy."

"Dude," Will comments briefly, picking up Henry into his arms.

I smile and ruffle Henry's hair. "Your mom will be home once the storm passes."

"And how long is that going to take?" Rebecca asks with her arms crossed. "I have riding lessons today."

"Hate to break it to you, Becca, but not anymore," Julie says to her younger sister.

"Are you kidding me?" she gapes. "Today I was going to work with this insanely famous horse jumper and-"

"Can you stop complaining for like two seconds and be mature for once?" Julie snaps as Sarah starts crying loudly.

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