Ch. 14 - Watermelon

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"I am in love, Valerie! I am completely in love!" Will exclaims as he comes strolling into my room. He jumps on my bed and grabs a pillow to hug against his stomach.

I put down my hair brush and look at him through the mirror. "Hey."

After talking to my mom about Will last night, she helped me realize that whatever I feel for Will doesn't change things with Cody. It is natural to get feelings for the new, cute boy who has a lot in common with you; however, these feelings don't decide a love. It's what you do with those feelings that matter. I've decided to keep them inside, knowing they'll eventually pass.

"Hey," he says absentmindedly, his thoughts in another world.

"So," I say and spin around to face him, "who is the lucky girl? Or guy? Or food item?"

He laughs shortly at my joke before becoming gushy once again. "Her name is Emily McKay."

"The Emily McKay?" I ask. "First love Emily McKay?"

"That's the one," he says confidently. "Pretty cool, yeah? She's totally digs me."

"What's wrong with her?" I joke.

He sticks out his tongue. "Nothing. We had a great date last night. I took her horseback riding through a romantic field of wheat. We fell in love."

"I see," I comment. "It's sort of impossible not to fall in love while horseback riding through a romantic field of wheat."

"Don't mock," he warns. "Soon, you'll be my best man at our wedding."

I laugh, "right."

Sighing dreamily, Will falls with his back against my bed. "So, what are you doing today?"

"Uh, I'm doing something with Julie and some other girls," I say. "In fact, I think Emily McKay is invited."

"Yeah?" he asks and sits up. "Can I come?"

"Sorry, but it's a ladies night," I say with a shrug.

He sighs. "Fine. But you have to talk me up. Be my wingman."

"I can't lie to her!" I joke.

"Val, come on. Just say I'm funny. You always laugh at my jokes."

"Actually, I'm usually just laughing at you," I admit.

He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Do you want to do something before you have your ladies night that I'm rudely not invited to?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Beats me," he answers. "I'm just super bored. You pick something."

"Well, I was planning on working on my tan," I admit with a shrug. "You're welcome to join me."

He squints. "I don't tan. I burn."

"Still, you're welcome to join me and work on adding another freckle to your pale, pale skin."

"I'm not that pale," he mumbles and looks down at his arm.

I just nod and grab my towel off the hook. "I guess you'll have to head back home and be bored some more."

He mutters something under his breath before following me downstairs to the back patio. I lie my towel down on the chair and place a pair of sunglasses over my eyes.

"You look like a dumb bug," Will comments grumpily.

I laugh. "Thank you."

"Where am I supposed to lie?" he asks and crosses his arms over his chest. "Do I get a towel? Do you have an extra pair of bug sunglasses?"

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