Hope is a Beautiful Thing

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I pick the note up carefully, as if it was going to disintegrate. I have photographic memory so I think back to the note I had left to see if mystery person had answered any of my questions:

Hello mystery person,
I do not know who you are, and will not throughly trust you until you proove yourself trustworthy. But I will ask you two things; was it you who grasped me yesterday and whispered in my ear, or was it one of your henchmen or something, and who are you and why can't you tell me?

I open the note and read the short answer that somehow didn't answer any of my questions:

I can't tell you because you won't believe me.

What on earth was that supposed to mean??!

It made no sense, whatsoever. But I will find out.

At the bottom of the paper, written in fine print, were the words:

You are the only one who can know. Remember that.

I groan and stuff the paper under my mattress and snuggle up under the covers as I create a warm spot with my body heat and drift off to sleep.


I wake up to a faint gong of something coming closer and closer. I flash my eyes open and stare into the room I am in, finding nothing wrong with it. Still heavy from sleep, I drag my ass out of bed and go towards the sound, which is coming from the curvy hallway.

I swiftly open the door to find the sound much louder. I look from left to right and see Kayla walking down the hallway, banging a gong the size of her. Other people are also coming out their doors to investigate the sound, looking as tired as I'm feeling.
"Get y'all's lazy asses up. It's 3:40 A.M. and training starts right now. Get up and ready or quit."

Everyone who was listening, quickly turns to get dressed, including me, who can't afford to go back to the world I was living in.

I would rather die.

I pick out a comfortable outfit that I had packed from home; a pair of Nike shorts and a T-shirt. As I open my bag, a pleasant yet horrible smell hits me. The only reason it was terrible was because it smelt like home. Scratch that. My so called parent's home.

I peel off my top and bottom and quickly change. Right as I pull up my bottoms, someone barges through the door.

I let in a swift intake of breath and let it free as soon as I see Luke come through the door.

"Shit, Luke, you scared the crap outta me!" I say, anger coursing through my voice.

"Sorry," he says a little guiltily. "I just wanted to see you." His eyes come up to my eyes briefly before studying my lips.

He draws his hand around my waist and pulls me close to him, while his other hand comes up to my face, caressing my jaw and tracing my lips with his thumb.

I bring my lips to his for only 3 seconds, then slightly push him off of me and tell him to leave my room.

"You're not even dressed! " I say, just noticing he was in sweatpants and a white T-shirt that was slightly visible through and snug against him enough for me to see his defined abs. It gave me butterflies just looking at him.

"Like what you see?" a new voice appears out of no where.


"Get out of my room. I'm pretty sure that's considered breaking and entering." I glare at her for interrupting my swooning session.

"Actually, it's not because I only entered. The door was unlocked. " Butch #2 retorts.

"And I just wanted to warn you" I cut her off. "How fucking sweet. Now get out. "

She rolls her eyes at me and continues. "Try not to get hurt today."

She flips her hair from off her shoulder and sashays out of the room, leaving the door open. Which I push Luke through.

"Go change. " I say then walk towards the training room.


It has been 2 days since Porchia's injury.

I feel bad even though I know I didn't do anything... Well that's also what I did wrong. I have always thought helping others was the right way to go. I guess I've always been like that because of my childhood. Since I was always bullied and hurt, I had decided, even at a young age that I would never let anyone go through what I have had to deal with.

I remember hating myself because I believed them. I believed that I was worth nothing. I had even thought about killing myself to make everyone happy, even if they didn't deserve happiness. I felt like I was just a burden to everyone else.

But then I realized how illogical it was. Why kill yourself when you can live the rest of your life happily, making your own decisions and getting to live where ever you want to live. I thought to myself; don't you want your wedding day to come so that you can live with whomever you want for the rest of your days? Don't you want to be loved by someone and have them love you as much,our even more then you love them? Don't you want mini yous running around your home? Don't you want to buy a home with the love of your life and decorate it with your personality? Don't you ever dream? I asked myself.

That is one of the only things that helped me live and learn to love myself. Hope. It's what drives you to wait for your happily ever after.

That's why I'm visiting Porchia. Because not only are people with empty wishes going to just pity her there, but because she must have a spark of hope. And I want to keep it going.

So I walk towards the infirmary.
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I felt like ending the story short, butter giving you guys inspiration to keep living. Because someone, somewhere is waiting to live tough with all of their heart and soul.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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