Chapter 1: Bus Ride Killer

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Ever since Jacyntha complained about walking to my house in the morning i have to wake up earlier to walk to her house! It kind of sucks but at the same time I get to school at the time where there is actually some good breakfast foods!

I mean her house is only 10 minutes away if I speed walk. But at the same time because of the route I walk there I have to walk by Adriel's house every morning! Not to mention he also goes onto Jacyntha's bus! Which low key kills me inside.

Once I get to Jacyntha's corner I text her to let her know I'm outside (even though she shouldn't even have a phone!)

"Good Morning, BESTFRIEND!!" says Jacyntha as she walks towards me.

"Mornin' Jacy" I say not as enthusiastic as she was.

"Alana what's wrong? Don't tell me it's him again" Jacyntha says with a half worried half disappointed look on her face.

"I know that it's bad I still like him but I can't help it!" I say then look down because I know a speech is going to begin.

"I still don't understand why though! I mean he's not even cute! He's taken! And y'all haven't even done stuff together how can you be so hooked on him" she says as we cross the street.

"Well first off we have different taste so of course you don't find him attractive! Secondly he won't be taken forever! And lastly I mean when you think about it I haven't done stuff with anyone!"

Which is so true! I'm a 16 year old girl and all I've done is tap kiss! Seriously I haven't even made out yet...and this summer a few days after my 16th birthday my dad got me a promise ring to stay a virgin at least throughout the rest of high school. I'm a junior so I don't think it'll be that hard..right?

"Oh yeah, because you're a scary girl" she says as she sticks her tongue out at me.

"I mean I'd rather be a scary girl then a hoe" I say motioning my eyes towards her with a smirk on my face.

"You little bitch! I am NOT a hoe! I'm only 3 bodies that's not that big of a deal!" she screams as we stop at the bus stop.

"And yet you call Jackie a hoe and she's also 3 bodies" I say also with the same look on my face.

"Well it's completely different I dated my first for about 8-9 months, my second for 2-3 months, and yes I wasn't dating the last one but we only fucked once and we continued to talk afterwards so clearly that's not the only thing he wanted." She says as the bus pulls up and starts to walk up the stairs.

"But didn't she talk to all of them?" I say confusingly.

"She dated Dario for about 9 months also but those other two boys I don't remember their names but one she talked for like 2months not dated only talked to and they fucked every time they chilled! And the last guy they didn't even talk or nothing they just fucked and he went to the next one!" She says.

As I sit in our seat "Well when you think about it it doesn't make her a hoe for doing that it just makes her easy, she'd be a hoe if she has slept with many more boys"

"Alright true true, I'm actually surprised you're sticking up for her when you hate her!" She says.

"Honey I don't hate anyone. I just don't like nor trust her." I say as the bus stops at the last stop which is Adriel's stop.

"Oh I forgot to mention to you I hit up Adriel and let him know that instead of him three-seating with random people if he wants he can three-seat with us if there's no more room on the bus" she says with a huge smile hoping that I'm okay with this.

"Why wouldn't you tell me! I'm sitting on the outside so he'll be next to me!" I say then look at the door to see if he's even here since the last few days he's been getting rides.

Sure enough the last person to step onto the bus is him. By this time there are no other seats so he looks around a bit and then looks at us making eye contact with me. There's something about those eyes! They're like perfect! He has huge dark brown eyes, which I usually wouldn't care for I'm more of a green eye or blue eye lover. But to contrast with his caramel colored skin and shoulder length light brown wavy hair that gets held back in a braid or ponytail most of the time, I can't find any flaws! Which sucks.

"Hey can I-uhh can I still sit here?" Adriel asks smiling

Oh man that too he has the most amazing smile EVER! He's never even had braces they are just so white and straight and perfect! Oh wait I'm pretty sure he wanted an answer. I look over at Jacyntha so she can scoot over as I do the same.

I only have one earbud in my ear which is the ear toward Adriel. Jacyntha gives a look like well talk to him and I give her one back saying what happened to you need to get over him then she rolls her eyes and just looks over to see what he's doing. He actually has a very confused look on his face as to how we are communicating yet not using words.

He dismisses the thought and just starts a conversation. "So Alana how was your weekend"

"Fine." I say looking away from him.


"Oh yeah it was alright how about yours?" She asks him.

"Oh mine was awful I got into a horrible argument with one of my close friends." He says staring right at the side of my face which I hate when people do because I hate my nose so much.

At this point I finally turn around both mad and hurt hot tears almost making their way out of my eyes and onto my cheek. "Well you wouldn't have gotten into that argument if you would just agree instead of being such a jerk!" I yell which makes the whole bus quite down to listen.

"Well I'm sorry that I don't want to fake agree! I already explained to you how I feel and just admit it you're wrong this time!" He says with also a hurt look on his face.

"Wait what are you guys talking about? Wait she's the close friend!? Alana why didn't you tell me!?"

"I don't want to talk about it I'm putting both headphones in I don't want to hear either of you guys until we reach the school!" I say as I put the left earbud in to block out both Adriel and Jacyntha.

"Okay whatever" Jacyntha says as she puts in her right earbud.

Adriel still staring at me shakes his head and just looks away with a painful hurt look upon his face.


Okay guys that's the end of chapter 1! I'm not going to lie I'm a bit nervous but I hope that it came out great and that you guys are looking forward to reading the rest. I'll try throughout the week to write more but if I can't i apologize thank you!


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