Chapter 3: Shop Fight

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Warning this has violence in it read at your own risk.

For those who don't know what a Vocational High School is it's a school where the students switch between having shop and having academics I am in Diesel Technology which means I work on trucks and cars and I am in Division 1 so the first 9 days of the school year I had academics and the next 9 I switched to shop and so forth and so on Adriel is in Division 2 so he is the opposite when I have shop he has academics when I have academics he has shop you get it right. His shop is Machine Tech so he works on Machines. There are about 20+ different shops in the school so whenever I say shop within the story or Division 1 or 2 this is what I am talking about...but anyways enjoy!

"Where's Malena?" Jacyntha asks as we walk around waiting for the 7:35 bell to ring to go to shop.

"I have no idea. Maybe Linda gave her a ride."

"Ugh Liiinda! I can't stand her!" She says with a disgusted look on her face.

"Trust me I know." I say laughing. "We should probably go back though"

We walk into the shop to see all 8 Juniors (10 counting us) and 16 Seniors.

"Hey Lena did Linda give you a ride." I ask Malena as she looks down at her phone to see if her on again off again boyfriend Lester has texted back.

"Yeah I got her pretty late so I didn't think to look for you guys but I said hi to Adriel and he looked upset do you know why."

"I'm not talking to him at the moment." I say as I turn to go to my locker.

"Wait really!? How about you Jacy?" She asks looking in Jacyntha's direction.

"I mean sort of but if you really want to know maybe you should ask him. I don't want to get anything wrong." She says as she looks like there's something wrong.

"Yeah I'll probably ask him later on." Malena says as she also goes to her locker.

"Hey Jacyntha I have to tell you something." Jackie says as I roll my eyes from hearing her voice.

"What is it?" Jacyntha says.

"So your ex boyfriend Patrick is STILL hitting me up." She says with a little smirk on her face.

"Well why don't you block him." Jacyntha says.

"Why I don't have an issue with him only you do."

Okay let me catch you up here so Jackie and Jacyntha used to be best friends all throughout Freshmen year and about half of Sophomore year. Towards the end of Sophomore year me and Jacyntha got closer and Malena is my cousin and next door neighbor so we was already close and Malena and Jacyntha used to be really close in grades 1-6 so we all kind of cliqued and I guess left Jackie out. Eventually Jackie and Jacyntha got into a few fights which led Jacyntha and me to become best friend's which made Jackie mad at me and Malena and we all got into a screaming match at the end of Sophomore year. Now this year I was willing to be civil and drop everything so was everyone else. But since the beginning of THIS year it seems like Jackie wants Jacyntha back as a bestfriend and to do that she must get rid of me and Malena. So during shop me and Malena kind of stick to ourselves as Jackie follows Jacyntha around like a lost puppy waiting for a second chance that she'll never get because Jacyntha doesn't even like her. And Patrick is Jacyntha's ex boyfriend now she didn't lose her virginity to him but when they did fuck she got hooked to him and now says no matter what she'd flip if any of us tried getting with him. And although they aren't together they sometimes hang out and do you know what but recently they got into a big argument.

"So you like talking to him then?" Jacyntha asks red taking over her face.

"I don't know." Jackie says shrugging her shoulders.

"What the fuck do you mean 'i don't know' it's a simple yes or no answer like clearly you want to talk to him! Put it this way as long as you fuck with him I don't fuck with you!" Jacyntha screams as she stomps off looking for the bathroom key and I turn around to smirk in Jackie's direction.

-1 hour later-

Malena and Jacyntha went to the bathroom for the fourth time today. Jackie and Sara (another girl in shop) was in a different shop with our teacher looking for a tool. Spencer and Alex were also in a different shop. And Thomas was in the bathroom. Which only left me, Owen, and Aaron on the Junior side.

As I sat in a chair I see Aaron doing Owen's job.

"Aaron what are you doing where's Owen?"

"Oh he said he'll be back I'm just going to vacuum up a bit so he doesn't have much to do. Oh there he is." He says as he points to Owen walking towards us.

"Thanks buddy." Owen says as he daps up Aaron and continues to vacuum along the sides of the walls.

I then see a senior named John walk over and whisper into Aaron's ear.

"Why me why not you?" Aaron says to John.

"Because you're smaller than me just go do it real quick and then run over here." John says

"Okay." Aaron says as he walks over to the outlet where both outlets are being used for Owens vacuum and another senior Cole's vacuum. He then pulls out Coles and runs away.

Cole comes storming in and looks at the outlet where he sees Owen vacuuming and grabs his neck and squeezes hard and points his head towards the outlet as you do to a dog who just shit in doors. "Was that you fucktard!?"

"Cole was are you talking about let me go you're hurting me." Owen says as he tries to get away.

"Oh no that's it you wanna fuck with my shit now imma fuck with your face! You're going into the vice lets go!" Cole says as he make his way to the seniors side to the vice and John runs over and helps hold Owen down to make sure he doesn't get away.

For those who don't know what a vice is it's a metal thing attached to the end of a table where you put heavy things so that it will hold it so you can drill or whatever it is you are doing. And by spinning a lever it gets tight and loose.

"Cole! John! Leave Owen alone!" I yell as I run towards them with a broom that was close by.

They then start to smack and punch Owen in the face every time he tries to get away. I turn around and run go Aaron as I hear him laughing instead of helping. "Aaron you asshole go help him! Go tell Cole it was you! What are you doing just standing her!?"

"Good work buddy." John says as he goes to dap up Aaron and hears me yelling. "Oh shut up you stupid bitch!"

I then try to swing the broom to hit his shoulder but he turns around and catches it and uses it against me. He then pushes me up against the garage door with the broom pushed up against my hips and pushing the rest of his 200 pound body up on me. I then yell at him to get off as I gasp for air. He then starts to elbow me hard into my left rib cage. I begin to smack him in his right shoulder and continue to scream. After about 4 to 5 strong elbow hits to the ribs I feel my body giving up as I cannot breathe and my ribs feel just about shattered when he finally lets go and walks away everything goes black.

Sorry that it took so long I've been busy but I hope you guys liked it! Let me know what you liked or disliked or what should be added or have not been added. And if they're any questions please ask them!


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