Chapter 5: Nothing Happened

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First and for most I want to deeply apologize for taking so long to write again. It turns out my phone wouldn't be capable to hold this app and another app I wanted to download and was taking up too much space. And for Christmas I got a laptop that becomes a tablet how cool! So I downloaded the app on it but then I've been so busy I STILL haven't been able to type. But I'm back so I hope you guys enjoy.

After being in shop for a good 2 hours someone finally came up to me to see if I was okay.

"You alright" asks Spencer

"Who me, oh yeah I'm great!" I say with a hopefully convincing smile on my face

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure because sometimes after being attack--"

"Stop it. Just stop it. I said I was fine so please just leave me alone I don't want to sit here and reminisce on something that happened and make me sound like a poor little victim that needs help! I'm fine!" I pretty much yell at him not realizing that I have stood up from where I was sitting with my right fist balled up.

Everyone stopped what they was doing just so they could watch. They were so confused on why I was yelling at him, Spencer, out of all people...we was so close, I called him my big brother he called me his little sister. But sometimes it's just best to mind your own business.

As everyone starts to get ready for lunch I realize that John and Cole aren't here and to be honest a weight gets lifted off of my shoulders.

"Cheeseburger again!" Jacyntha says disgusted

"You already know the deal we literally have cheeseburger or chicken patty every other day." I say laughing

"I'm getting a salad." Malena says

As the bell rings and we race down the hallway, surprise surprise I have a visitor waiting for me at the bottom of the ramp.

"Hey what's up Adriel!" Malena screams as she rushes to give him a hug

He hugs her smiling but quickly loses that smile once he sees Jacyntha.

She goes to act like she wants to say something but quickly changes her mind and just looks down and walks into the lunch line.

"Hey can we talk?" He says in my direction looking worried

"Umm yeah" I say looking around to see who was close by

"I'll save you a seat, we'll be sitting in the normal seats" Malena says wicking at me as she walks away

We start to wall down the Culinary hallway, the opposite way to the cafeteria.

"What's up?" I say

"I need to apologize." He pauses and looks down. "I keep messing up with you, I can't help it, it just keeps happening."

"What do you mean?" I ask

"What happened in the hallways, I'm just making it worst I'm hurting you and I don't mean to. Those weren't my intentions I swear, you have to believe me! I don't mean to lead you on, I just..I just...i'm so sorry like so freaking sorry you don't even realize!" He says looking down and although he tries to hide it I could see a single tear running down the left side of his face before he wiped it away.

Before responding I realized what was happening. He loves his girlfriend and he truely doesn't want to mess that up, but he also wants to keep me as a friend but with my feelings and his confused feelings I don't see how this could work.

"You can't have the best of both worlds." I say with such pain in my chest as I already know what i'm about to say next

"What do you mean?" He says looking at me this time

I stop walking and turn towards him and stare him right in the eyes and just pray that those eyes don't make me change my mind..praying that I stick my ground and just say it.

"Not being friends not only will help me, but will help you too. You love your girlfriend, I know that and she's such a lucky girl. I would hate to be the person that messed you guys up, that messed up your happiness. Nothing happened in that hallway. I won't tell if you don't tell. You're a great friend but I just think it's time that this friendship comes to an end." Before continuing I had to stop and swallow down the tears. "You was such a great friend and thank you so much for always being there, but friends come and go just seems like now is our time to go. I'll never forget you and I hope you never forget my but this is just how its supposed to be I guess."

After saying the last line those tears finally make an appearance. I was so rapt up in my words that I didn't even notice that he was also crying, harder than me. I lean forward wondering if this was a good way to end it but ignoring that still go for it anyways. I hug him as if I'm never going to see him again, like the kind of hug you give a family member going on a long trip. As he hugs back I immediately regret my decision, I love his hugs so much. Oh man I think I may miss the hugs the most.

As we hug he whispers, "I'm sorry." Into my ear and by now I'm crying harder than he was before. Before anything else could be said by either one of us I let go quickly and walk towards the cafeteria wiping away the tears and trying my hardest not to look back, knowing damn well I just made everything worst.


I started writing this chapter January of 2016 it is now December of 2016. I've been through a few phones my laptop broke and I just completely forgot about me starting this but now that I have time and I downloaded it back I thought to countine the you guys already know yes this is somewhat true but I also switched things around and made things up and seeing that i'm writing about a situation that happened in the beginning of the year a lot of it may not be true but I do hope you guys till enjoy it and I will most definitely try and write more often.


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