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I told you that I was to move after I graduated highschool.
I was moving to a small town outside of Atlanta.
You said you'd only move with me
Only if we were to live in the 'sticks'

I didn't understand what you meant,
I was from Jersey living in a small North Carolina city.
I had to ask you what these said 'sticks' were,
You laughed it off and said
"the country, lover."

I sit back a year later and wonder why I agreed,
Said "maybe"
though in the back of my mind
I knew we wouldn't last that long.

But, lover; feelings don't change.

You quit me on Christmas,
In front of my family.
I couldn't face them again until they had left and went home,
hundreds of miles away.
I hate you for that,
But thank you for that.


We agreed that once we finished high school we'd skip town
live in the northern suburbs,
You wanted to go home to Detroit
I begged Oakland.
You said that we would cross that bridge when we got there,
now the only bridge I will be crossing
is the one I'm burning.

"I did care, but I slowly stopped."
If I were to write a book that would be the quote to inspire me.
If my scars never would heal they would be burned into me,
If I slept at night those would be the words that haunt me.

I remember your smile,
Your faintly crooked teeth shown through
How you have a long scar running up for forearm,
And how your heart was dysfunctional and pained you.
How you'd pop your back and it  echoed in your room,
And how you'd hold my head heavily on your chest, because of how short I am,
You thought I was cute when I tried to wiggle out of your heavy handedness.
I remember how you didn't even stop to say goodbye.
Now I am too scared to say goodbye.

I know this isn't a rant, but I'm stuck in my mind and I can't change my thoughts, so here's two shitty poems about two shitty people. Thanks, bye

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