Chapter 3

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I walked into the front door of my house and suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took it out to find that I had a new text message. Eli.

"Hey girl! I'm going over to Rydel's to study and hang out! Wanna come?" It read. Oh my god. Blondie's gonna be there. No. Shut up Bridget. He barely knows you. You don't even know his name.

"Sure, when?" I tried to act cool.

"Bout 10 min. I'll pick you up?" She asked. I agreed and told her my address. I decided I should make myself look a little more presentable since I was about to see boys. Cute boys. Amazing attractive hilarious wonderful boys. My stupid mind kept rambling. Ugh. Just then my doorbell rand, causing me to jump slightly. I grabbed my bag and ran to the door.

I yelled to my mom on the way out the door, "I'm going to a friend's house! Be back later!" I hope she heard me. Oh well. We got into Eliana's car and headed to the Lynch's. It was only about a 2 minute drive - apparently we all live in the same neighborhood. When we got there, we were greeted by a tall, handsome blonde boy that I haven't met yet. He looked older than the rest but way too young to be their dad. Must be another brother.

"Hey Rik!" Eliana said to the boy, walking right in. Apparently she comes here often.

"Hey! Delly's upstairs." He replied. He threw a smile at me before we jogged upstairs to Rydel's room. We walked in to find Rydel with one of the boys I met today and a gorgeous brunette. Great, one more person to be jealous of.

"Hey Del. Hey Ratliff. Hey Kelly." Eli said, plopping down on Rydel's hello kitty beanbag. Ratliff Ratliff Ratliff. Kelly Kelly Kelly. God I need to remember that.

"Hey!" They laughed. Ratliff and Kelly walked out of the room hand in hand, leaving us 3 alone to hang out. I guess their dating? We got some studying done and now we were all just hangin' out on Rydel's couch in her room. We were just talking when all of the sudden blondie walked in. Shit poop crap asdfghjkl. He had a tanktop on that showed off his beautiful abs. I melted. Right there. Just like that. Like chocolate in the sun.

"Hey Del do you have my guitar?" He said before looking up from his phone. Oh my lord he plays the guitar. Is he trying to kill me or something? Once he realized Eli and I were in there he froze.

"Oh, hey guys." He said to us. I think he noticed that I was mindlessly staring him up and down, because when I mistakenly looked back up to his eyes, he was smiling at me. Of course I blushed - bright red. Like a freaking tomato. Damn it! It's his fault for looking like a model!

"Nope, sorry Ross. Check the practice room." Delly said. Practice room? Wait, ROSS! THAT'S HIS NAME! YES! Ross Ross Ross Ross Ross. I said his name over and over in my head trying to hammer it in, though it probably wouldn't be forgotten after what just happened. God I like him...

*4 days later*

The week was almost over and Ross hadn't really said anything to me, better yet made eye contact with me. I was starting to 'give up'. Well I guess I hadn't even started trying yet but whatever. If he liked me he would've make an effort by now. Rydel and I have been getting a lot closer over this past week. Her and Eliana are now my best friends. Well it was finally Friday and I was walking to my Algebra II class, that I just so happened to have with Ross. Out of nowhere, Eliana basically crashed into me from behind. I flew forward but luckily caught myself.

"Oh my god Bridg I'm so sorry!" She was laughing.

I got up and continued walking. "It's cool." I reassured her.

"Hey!" She ran up next to me. Does she not understand that I would enjoy being alone right now? "What's up with you today? You seem... down." She said just as we walked up to my classroom.

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