Prolouge (Part : 1) Everything

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Blackness. Desolation. No life. A bright light shining deep within this blackness. The light grows rapidly and then implodes sending a shock wave of light, in its place a god was born.

Namara the all powerful being who created everything, but could destroy it all in an instant. She holds the power of the cosmic universe in the palms of her four hands. 

She created solar systems, created Suns and star, warmth and coolness, she created planets, she created life and she created death.

She loved everything she created, it all fit perfectly in her heart. Soon she created and galaxy of her own and claimed a planet as her home, where she would live. She named this planet Orion. She made it green and blue, abundant with wildlife and vegetation. Even though she had her animal friends she still felt incredibly lonely. So she created a being that could walk on two legs and stand straight up like her. (Humans) She loved them nurtured them. She then saw how corrupt them were. She didn't have it in her to kill them off so she started a new race ones who looked more like her. Ones that were more sustainable, more rational, more powerful.

There was one flaw in these beings though. If they didn't have the crystals called crysaline on them at all times, they wouldn't go into and phase called 'Bloodlust', in this phase they lost control of themselves and attacked everything is sight. The only ways to stop them is by killing them on the spot, or tranquilize them with a high dosage of crysaline.

Crysaline is a substance found in Orion, this substance has special abilities, if mined and used correctly. In humans the crystal was used to enchant weapons, it was also used as a self enchantment tool as well, humans would inject themselves with pure crysaline crystals that have been made into a liquid, or they would embed a Crystal in their body. This would cause them to gain powers, mainly elemental powers, the powers were based on one thing, their soul. For some their soul didn't resonate with crystals but instead their body rejected it and then absorbed it into the blood stream, the body had no means of protecting itself at this point, as the crysaline slowing takes over the body until, you completely lose yourself, and become bat shit crazy. The human body mutates and becomes incredibly strong, growths can grow in them and cause infection for those who come into contact, but this wasn't a common occurrence in the world if Orion. Crysaline was a rare item found deep in the mines. Only the higher ups had access and those who became "infected" were killed immediately.

Humans aren't the only one who could become infected either. Elves being in contact with these crystals from the day they are born, run a high risk of getting infected, if, the crystals are attacked directly to their body. Usually elves only have one Crystal touching there body, usually in the from of a necklace or ring. Then they have other crystals on their clothing or in hair pieces, earrings, etc.

Elves are ten times as dangerous as humans when they get infected. The go into bloodlust and lose their mind with the added strength, they are a threat the people usually don't survive from if they come into contact with such beings.

Unlike with the humans, Namara nurtured and taught the elves to love everyone and everything, to be kind to nature and its animals, to love one another, and always advocate for peace.

After years of peaceful living, in both the human and Elven communities, peace broke. The humans came across a mine rich with crysaline. They used it for everything. They created machines, and enchanted weapons. They also used it to start wars with them within their own race. Although Namara loved her humans, they were cashing serious damage to her world. She had to put a stop to it. So she did.

Namara attacked the humans with the goal of wiping them out, but she soon found herself in a tough situation. The humans realized their immediate threat, joined forces against Namara. They locked her way deep beneath Orion's crust, and enchanted the cave so she couldn't escape.

After the disappearance of Namara, the elves became angry with the humans taking away there only God, their deity. They searched and searched, but after many years and decades or searching, she was never found. The elves were very saddened by this, this is also when they discovered the crystals to be more useful to them than just keeping them in check, so they like the humans, they started creating weapons, but instead of fighting against each other, it was for defense purposes, and retaliation.

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