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time will not know of who we once were

we will be nothing but 

dead organs and 

dead skin

all the love gone

all the spirit gone

all the life gone

all the love gone

all the love gone

time will not know of

how he held me

of how he pressed his fingertips to my 

neck because he thought i wasn't


of how many times he's stopped me

of how many times he 

answered my call

because of a nightmare

or because of a thought

or because of a pill

of how many times he 

burnt his tongue with a 


of how many times he told me he was 


and i still couldn't accept it

of how many times he didn't kiss me

or of how many times he wouldn't kiss me

or of how many times he shouldn't have kissed me

or of how many times he


or of how many times i asked him

begged him

to stay

or of how many times he had to

hold my hand first

or of how many times he told me to take care

or of how many times i popped a pill because i thought of

his face

or of how many times i tried to say it but



we are a ripped page

we are a scar in a book

we are a mistake

we are something that shouldn'twouldn'tcouldn't have happened

we are an unfinished chapter

we are nothing but an open sentence

we are nothing but dead eyes and spilled blood

we are nothing but lost causes

we are nothing  but two beings who shouldn't have intersected

we are nothing but spectres who once felt life

we are nothing but human

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