Chapter 7

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One of the three holograms in front of Darth Vader flickered and disappeared as an asteroid crashed into the bridge of his ship. One of the remaining officers said: "That, Lord Vader, was the last time they appeared in any of our readings. Considering the amount of damage we've sustained, they must have been destroyed." "No, Captain.", Vader objected. "They are alive." He knew they were. It wasn't for nothing that he had tracked them from the Hoth system trying to wipe out the alliance. If it wasn't for this fool who had left hyperspace too early, he would have succeeded already. "I want every ship available to sweep the asteroid field until they are found." The officers didn't dare to disagree, so they bowed and their holographic figures disappeared as they ended the transmission. Vader turned around to Padmé who stood there, biting her lip. He wanted to ask what was worrying her, but he had to wait until they were alone. It would have seemed to weird if he asked the thin air if it was alright in public, so he headed for his chamber, hoping Padmé would follow him. "Lord Vader!" An officer disturbed his plan and Vader stopped in his path, totally annoyed. "Yes, Admiral, what is it?", he asked. "The Emperor commands you to make contact with him." Vader sighed unnoticably. Oh no, not again. "Move the ship out of the asteroid field so we can send a clear transmission." Not that he would care about breaking the transmission accidentally, but then the Emperor would contact him again. And Vader shuddered at the thought of his master not being pleased. "Yes, Mylord." And Vader made his way to the com room, Padmé close behind and clinging to his arm, while the officer gave the right orders.

Vader knelt on the transmission pad while Padmé stood behind him, perfectly straight and upright. She would never bow to the Emperor. Even if he was able to see her. She would not kneel. Instead she put a supporting hand on her husband's shoulder. She knew how much he feared the encounters with his master. "What is thy bidding, my master?" Vader asked as soon as the lights around the pad showed the transmission was active. "There is a great disturbance in the force.", the Emperor said instead of a greeting. "I have felt it.", Vader answered. "Well, as far as I know, a disturbance in the force is quite a common thing.", Padmé muttered to herself. Vader couldn't help but smile, an expression that was thankfully hidden by his mask. "We have a new enemy.", the Emperor continued. "We have you, but that's not a new thing.", Padmé answered, but the Emperor of course didn't hear her. "Luke Skywalker." Padmé froze, her cheekiness gone. "Yes, my master.", Vader answered. "He could destroy us.", the Emperor said. Padmé didn't say it out loud this time, but she agreed. Luke was her son. Of course he was capable of such a thing. "He's just a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer help him.", Vader said. Oh, if he only knew. She would have to tell him. Soon. As far as she knew, Luke already was on the run from the Empire, so his father's awareness of his existence wouldn't change much. "The force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi." After the Emperor's words, the truth began to dawn on Vader. "If he could be turned, he could become a powerful ally." "Yes. Yes. He would be a great asset. Can it be done?" The Emperor's question sounded somewhat eager. "He will join us or die, Master.", Vader promised and bowed as the transmission ended. Then he quickly stood up and stormed into his chamber, already getting getting rid of his helmet. As soon as the chamber closed, he turned around to Padmé. "Is it true? Is he my son?" She hung her head. "Yes. Yes, he is. I gave birth to him, and then ..." She didn't want to tell him about his daughter yet. "Then I died." "But you were buried pregnant! I watched the ceremony!" "My belly was faked. To hide Luke from his father." "But... but why? No matter what I've done, he is my son!"

Author's note: Hey guys, sorry for being late. Who's looking forward to the new movie just as I am? It's gonna be AMAZING! But don't worry, I won't be posting any spoilers ;D

P.S: The song matches Vader so well!

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