Chapter 7

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Meeting the peculiar was amazing! They all showed me their ability and it was so cool. I love Fiona's ability so much. If I was her I would be wearing flower crowns everyday or I would do my hair like Rapunzel. 

Everybody here is so nice. I have been here for 2 days and me and Emma are bestfriends. Millard is giving me small lessons on peculiarity and ways to maybe figure out how to use my power.

We were eating dinner and Olive looked puzzled and I was trying to figure out what she was thinking about and then it just hit me.

"Olive, are you thinking about what it would be like to have a horse?" I said, hoping I was right because if I wasn't it would be embarassing.

"YES! Ella you finally did it" Olive said and she sounded so amazed

"DO ME DO ME" all the other kids chimed in at once and I tried to figure out who was next 

"I will go all around the table and do everybody's but you have to give me a minute" I was hoping I could pull of doing this trick for everybody because I don't want to make anybody in my new family feel left out after all they have done for me 

After a minute of trying to read their minds I was getting nothing I could only read Olives still and she was just waiting for me to say something

"So, are you gonna say something or what?" Enoch asked me 

"I'm getting nothing I can only read Olive's mind right now" I said sounding unsure of myself 

"Well since your ability is very new to you, it may be hard for you to learn how to access it" Miss Peregrine said in a very reassuring tone

"At one point I thought that I lost my ability, but if your peculiar one day then all of your days you will be peculiar, " Jacob added "you just need to practice and relax you can't force it"

We all changed the topic and we sat there once we were all well done with our dinners while Olive told us a funny story. We all laughed together and had a good time and talked to each other like we were all best friends even though we were all very different. Some of us are kids some of us are teenagers some of us can levitate some can bring back the dead even though we are all very different we are still all family and friends.

After dinner Emma, Fiona, and I all sat outside in the grass with many of Fiona's flowers around us we talked about the past and the future. Fiona didn't say a word but you could tell that she was so interested about what it was like in 2015.

"So do you have flying cars?" Emma asked so excited to hear what the "future" was like 

"No, but not yet, they are working on that now"

"Who is the president?"

"Barack Obama he is the first black president"

"Wait what? Don't tell me that there was a girl president without me knowing" She added

"Yea he was the first black president and for the 2016 elections there may be a girl"

We talked for hours, we finally went in because the headmistress told us it was time to go to bed. We all had to take baths before we went to bed. Emma and I took the our baths last since there were only 2 and we waited until Miss P was asleep so we could sit in my room and talk some more

"Well it's getting pretty late and i'm tired so i'm gonna head back to my room" Emma said sleepily 

"Goodnight" I said "Good night best friend" Emma said then she closed my door and left

Back at home I didn't have many friends and my family and I didn't get along very well. Now here I have that a nice family and good friends

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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