Tool & Daniella :]

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It's about 2 days after the 'incident' between Daniella and Tool. Tool has been avoiding Daniella in that period of time and trying his hardest not to look at her. Daniella doesnt like that he's acting so shy around her all of a sudden and she tries to get his attention on many occasions but he just keeps making excuses to leave or not to talk or make eye contact with her.

Tool's P.O.V:

Ugh! Why did i have to go pee so bad?! F*ck my bladder! Now i cant talk, look or even be in the same room as the girl of my dreams! This sucks, hard. But i know she probably feels uncomfortable,...but she keeps trying to talk to me and what not. is she in denial or something? ...girls are so confusing -_-

Then Daniella walks into my room. Gennis must've let her in when he left. -_- ugh

Danny: Hey Tool! (she smiles)

Tool: (stuttering) Umm uh. h-hey! *looks up at her then away nervously*

Danny: *sighs* Look, Tool. i know you feel bad about what happened and i forgave you first thing. i mean it was a mistake right? but you cant keep ignoring me like this. i makes me feel like you dont like me anymore (her face is sad and she kinda pouts)

I dont like seeing her sad. I didnt even mean to make her feel this way.

Tool: aww Danny. *i go over to her* come here. *i hug her and she hugs back* Im sorry, i didnt mean to make you feel that way. i just didnt want it to be awkward.

Danny: Its alright. *she smiles* But you still like me right? *her smile turns into a worried smile*

Tool: Of course i like you! I always liked you

Danny: Ok good! *she plops down on my bed* So what you wanna do today? *in a singy voice* We can watch a movie, make cookies, play a game....OH you can teach me how to play black ops or madden! *she smiles hard*

Tool: Haha. you really want to learn?

She nods

Tool: Wont be too difficult for you?

Danny: Pssh, n*gga please! And you're teaching me right? so it shouldnt be too hard.

She smiles again. I just love her smile and the way she wants to spend time with me right now. I think she needs to know how i feel because in my eyes im looking at my future. shes already everything i care about, why not make it official?

I sit on the bed next to her and look her in the eyes.

Tool: Daniella, what did you think i meant when i said i liked you? As a friend or...

Danny: Well a friend. you know: someone i can talk to, have a good time with, all that.

Tool: Well thats not what i meant... Daniella Nya Johnson, I like you. I REALLY like you. And i always have. Matter of fact, *i look up into space* I think i.. L-love you.

She just sits there staring at me, surprised. Oh no! i think i freaked her out. AGAIN. why am i so bad at this? I get up and start pacing.

Tool: Look, Im really sorry a-and i didnt mean to freak you out or anything its just that-

She gets up and cuts me off with a kiss. I kiss back and we start to make out.

Damn this girl can kiss!

Danny's P.O.V:

I always thought Tool had kissable lips but DAMN i didnt know he could kiss that good!

Tool's P.O.V:

We pull away and stare into each others eyes. Then she smiled at me and i smiled back.

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