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"Tomorrow is Christmas! What do you think your parents are buying you guys? I really hope I get the newest game 'Virtual Reality' !" This was the last blog post I posted. I slumped into my chair, staring at the ceiling. Thinking about Christmas always got me excited. It is the best time of the year! Meeting up with relatives, beautiful lighting on the street and the best part, presents! 

I fell asleep, without even knowing. When I woke up, I realised it was already that day! Christmas! I rushed down the stairs, to find a small present below the Christmas tree addressed to me. I knew I was immature for doing this as a sixteen year old teen, but who doesn't enjoy ripping open the presents you get and throwing the wrapping paper everywhere? 

I saw a green cover, and immediately freaked out. My parents actually bought me what I wanted! 'Virtual Reality'! I ran towards my Xbox One console, and turned it on. I put in the disc and sat impatiently while the game was loading. 

Suddenly, there was a bright light being projected from the console, blinding me. As the light touched me, I felt my very soul being sucked away from my body. It was dragging me closer to the console and I passed out...

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